Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What will be your choice when it's time to get off the fence? Socialism or Freedom?

I know there will be quite a few reading this question who are completely oblivious to just what is going on. And - there are those who know, but who just don't care (apathy). Then there are the deniers, in a world of their own.

You may or may not know of the dangers that the present administration has told the truth about (change). The change being forced on us, though, is Socialism. We are about to enter into a world which we will be unable to change.

Read the book from the 30s or view the video from the 50s simply called, %26quot;1984.%26quot;

Next year, if things are allowed to continue, you won't recognize our country.

What do you think?
What will be your choice when it's time to get off the fence? Socialism or Freedom?
You are preaching to the choir here, but glad to see you waking up, and coming out good job. This is certainly a take over of the united states with out destroying it. It is 101 from the book The art of war. I have been fighting this battle for 20 years resisting NAFTA and any thing that resembles a move towards the New World Order. Please keep up the fight! Thank you!
What will be your choice when it's time to get off the fence? Socialism or Freedom?
Those aren't diametrically opposed forces. I can actually have cake and pie at the same time.
He is not a socialist godammit, he is a fascist get it straight.
In the words of Jefferson....%26quot;Socialists and liberals are idiot loons%26quot;

(My next door neighbor, Bob Jefferson)
I have never been on the fence, always on the side of freedom.
the new 'fear card' is socialism, i get it now. the GOP lost get over it, this is what the MAJORITY voted for
Once again a simplistic dichotomy.
Please, not so much hyberbole. The %26quot;forced%26quot; changes are happening through our democratic system of government that we the people have established. If you don't want to live in a democracy, move to a country where the people are free from making their own choices.
I was never on the Fence!
More fear-based ranting.
sheogorath speaks the truth
I vote for Freedom and I am willing to fight to the death for it
The choice of Working Class will be %26quot;Workers Government%26quot;

Psst ....( Its Socialism).
I am so very tired of friends telling me that we can't make a difference ! When the time comes which is now in my opinion I choose freedom ! They will have to kill me to take it away and pry the empty gun from my fingers !
Imagine if you had shown this level of scrutiny when the Bush administration was wrecking our economy and country!!!

But you were in a comma back then --or asleep; weren't you, Einstein?
I think I%26quot;m disgusted with what I am seeing.

I cannot abide what this socialist dilettante is doing to the USA.

That's what I think.
i want freedom that why i vote democrat i know what happen with nixon and bush trying to take our freedom away i read the book 1984 it mirror Mr. Bush
Here's your $10, another Town Hall next week.
I wouldn't mind living in a free socialist country like Sweden. Your dichotomy is false.
I already have plans to move to a democartic country, Honduras. When their leaders get out of hand and try to destroy their constitution they remove them!
freedom hands down! I don't care what it takes to keep it, I'll do the hard work if I have to!

*turns to Green Tea is awesome*

Are you trying to play the racist card on this guy?! Race dose not matter, its Obama's radical policies that are scaring more and more people! Why are you demonizing people who simply disagrees with you and blame Fox for try to force people to agree with you?? FYI not every body watches Fox and get their information from non bias resources that may agree with Fox. its people like you that really angers me to get other people to be silent and you to force your opinions on them and force them to agree with you. everyone is protected by the first amendment and have a freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and freedom for religious beliefs.
I dunno....the right wing radio dummies are always going on about 'socialism', yet the entire planet is owned and controlled by trans-national corporations. 'Socialism' to the corporate suck-ups seems to be Oliver Twist asking for 'more'. How dare Oliver ask for more? How dare the 95% of us that work for wages ask for 'more'? The working class has been robbed, raped, swindled, $%^%26amp;ed over and shat on long enough. Yeah...we want more! You don't like it? Hard cheese! I wonder who posts these stupid 'questions'? Some corporate CEO? Some low level smurf that stays tuned to the GOP's Ministry of Propaganda, where everyone who isn't totally behind union busting or lowering taxes for the rich is a...'gasp...'liberal'! Sticks and stones, bro....you reactionaries are way on the wrong side of history. Power to the people! Bread and roses!

Is Obama linked to the islamic prophecy and the mahdi?

%26quot;Is Barack Obama the %26quot;promised warrior%26quot; coming to help the Hidden Imam of Shiite Muslims conquer the world?

The question has made the rounds in Iran since last month, when a pro-government Web site published a Hadith (or tradition) from a Shiite text of the 17th century. The tradition comes from Bahar al-Anvar (meaning Oceans of Light) by Mullah Majlisi, a magnum opus in 132 volumes and the basis of modern Shiite Islam.

According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet's cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a %26quot;tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West.%26quot; Commanding %26quot;the strongest army on earth,%26quot; the new ruler in the West will carry %26quot;a clear sign%26quot; from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: %26quot;Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us.%26quot;

In a curious coincidence Obama's first and second names--Barack Hussein--mean %26quot;the blessing of Hussein%26quot; in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means %26quot;he is with us,%26quot; the magic formula in Majlisi's tradition.%26quot;

Will be Obama with us, Muslims,

as the meaning of his name in Persian language

The name Obama in the Persian language (Iran’s language) means_ “He is with us.”

According to Islamic tradition, there was an Islamic Imam who was the Prophet Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law. His name was Ali Ibn Abi-Talib. This man gave the following prophecy:

“At the end of times, and just before the return of the Mahdi, a tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West; commanding the strongest army on earth. The new ruler in the West will carry a clear sign from the third Imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali .”

Strangely enough, the name Obama in the Persian language means_

“He is with us.”

On November 27th, 2008, Barack Obama was asked the question regarding the vision for change and where the change would be. Obama quickly stated, “I am the change, the change comes from me.” We are made to wonder who this strange one is, and what is his real agenda?

I know he has started coming out the closet about the 'muslim' topic and has stated that some of the members of his family are muslim.

your thoughts??
Is Obama linked to the islamic prophecy and the mahdi?
It's possible. Just like it is possible that he can be the Christian's Antichrist. But nobody will know for sure until after the Rapture comes.
Is Obama linked to the islamic prophecy and the mahdi?
time to start facepalming
one things for sure, i dont think obama is a true christian like he poses to be
Yeah totally. That makes perfect sense.
All this Obama prophesy crap is really getting rather old. That's my thought on the whole thing.
Doubt it.
But Islam is a false Religion isn't it? If its all made up then none of its %26quot;prophosies%26quot; can be true.
The phrase %26quot;clutching at straws%26quot; comes to mind...
hmmmmmmmmmmmm dunno
See, the Muslim fundies are just as funny as Christian ones.
Hey, why not?

It'll be fun to find out.
There is no recorded Shiite text that says that.
i do know obama is half African middle east and American
Is this kinda like the anti-christ of the christian faith?
Obama isn't Muslim some of his family members are, big deal. My mother is Methodist and my father isn't in religion. I have another person in my family who is Catholic. Does that mean I am like them, Nope. Learn the facts before you start smearing someones name.
Clutching at straws!
I think you need to just admit you are a racist and are grasping at stars in order to feel legitamate about hating Obama. Support your leader and pray he makes the right choices. If my name was Manson, would you assume I am a serial killer, or if my name was Timothy, would you assume I am going to blow up a building?
I put zero credibility in any prophesies coming out of a false religion like Islam. But there will arise an antichrist who will probably be accepted by Islamics as this one they're looking for. Hitler fooled many but was just an introduction to the antichrist. I think Obama is also an introduction, but closer to fitting the AC description.
The first phone call from the Oval office was to a Muslim country and the first interview was given to a muslim newsgroup. Though I didn't believe all the secret Muslim agenda stuff the GoP was spreading around, maybe they were right.

I hope not, I hope he is just doing a good job...
The promised Messiah and the promised Imam Mehdi has already come. He appeared in 1989 in a small village of India named QADIAN. He has over 10 million followers in 129 countries of the world. He has categorically suspended Islamic Jihad by Sword. All his prophesies so far have been fulfilled on their time. His followers silently preach the Islamic ideology all over the world and they are called AHMADIS. The main muslim sects have been severely opposing him.
Is Obama linked to the islamic prophecy and the mahdi?


prophecies are BS.

And no, the world is not going end on December 21st, 2012 either.
It is crap. Like the poster above said.

He is a peacemaker. I guess I missed the memo about that being a BAD thing.

Well, it's quite amusing to hear this story.

Do all of you people have this urge to conquer the world?

Sorry for answering this question with another question.

Ok, we know we don't create each other and we don't come to this world from nowhere because when we die we must be going somewhere as well, hence there must be God, if there were many Gods, they would have fought over what to be created and what not to be, probably over who to die and who to live at the same time... so it's gotta be one God... if that God created us then there must be a reason... could we figure it out on our own? God made it easy and sent us messengers and prophets to show us the way and tell us why... so all the messengers and all the religions are from the same only God, so they've got to be complementary to each other, not opposing each other!!! then God must have said His final words in the last message, what is the last message? and how do we know it's the last one? I guess that would be the religion that believes in all messengers and all books equally... is there such religion? actually yes, Islam does :)


A True Muslim (man or woman) gets his reward for obeying Allah's orders (Allah means The God in Arabic) by going to heaven, where he/she are indulged forever in all the good thing s that were on earth and more, things no one ever dreamt of or heard about. The Holy Quran tells Muslims (men and women) there will be good food, good wine and sex in heaven for all, but not in the bestial way you may think of, but rather in a way that is satisfactory for everyone and better than what was on earth. Heaven is no heartbreak or injustice land.

True Muslims are no terrorists, and Islam never calls for that, Islam means peace, it bans violence unless you were fought so you fight back, it only doesn't require Muslims to be cowards, and true Muslims understands this very well and never attack civilians.

Islam is the only religion that accepts freedom of religion and asks men to treat women gently like queens.

Muslims don't deny Jesus, they believe in him, love him and respect him so much.

WE BELIEVE JESUS IS NOT DEAD till today; he wasn’t murdered or crucified as most people think. God made the man who betrayed Jesus be killed instead by switching their looks for a moment. Jesus was left up to live in heaven until the end of days when he will come back to earth, make justice prevail instead of oppression, fight the imposter and perform his last prayer before he really dies like other Prophets. So we're waiting for you Jesus, Messenger of God, to bring the world peace and pray with us. That’s what prophet Muhammad told us and this is what I believe in, I’m a Muslim


so how do we know it's true? what is said in the last message and what should we do? read the following, and you'll figure out for yourself:
Some Siiah break the first pillar of Islam. Dont plaese them, will you?

Is Obama linked to the islamic mahdi in the end times?

%26quot;Is Barack Obama the %26quot;promised warrior%26quot; coming to help the Hidden Imam of Shiite Muslims conquer the world?

The question has made the rounds in Iran since last month, when a pro-government Web site published a Hadith (or tradition) from a Shiite text of the 17th century. The tradition comes from Bahar al-Anvar (meaning Oceans of Light) by Mullah Majlisi, a magnum opus in 132 volumes and the basis of modern Shiite Islam.

According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet's cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a %26quot;tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West.%26quot; Commanding %26quot;the strongest army on earth,%26quot; the new ruler in the West will carry %26quot;a clear sign%26quot; from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: %26quot;Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us.%26quot;

In a curious coincidence Obama's first and second names--Barack Hussein--mean %26quot;the blessing of Hussein%26quot; in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means %26quot;he is with us,%26quot; the magic formula in Majlisi's tradition.%26quot;

Will be Obama with us, Muslims,

as the meaning of his name in Persian language

The name Obama in the Persian language (Iran’s language) means_ “He is with us.”

According to Islamic tradition, there was an Islamic Imam who was the Prophet Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law. His name was Ali Ibn Abi-Talib. This man gave the following prophecy:

“At the end of times, and just before the return of the Mahdi, a tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West; commanding the strongest army on earth. The new ruler in the West will carry a clear sign from the third Imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali .”

Strangely enough, the name Obama in the Persian language means_

“He is with us.”

On November 27th, 2008, Barack Obama was asked the question regarding the vision for change and where the change would be. Obama quickly stated, “I am the change, the change comes from me.” We are made to wonder who this strange one is, and what is his real agenda?

I know he has started coming out the closet about the 'muslim' topic and has stated that some of the members of his family are muslim.

your thoughts??
Is Obama linked to the islamic mahdi in the end times?
When that prediction was made, there was no 'west'. And I'm sure Barack's parents named him that so he would be muslim antichrist. What a load of crap.

If muslim nutjobs quit blowing themselves up and killing americans because of it then thats ok by me.
Is Obama linked to the islamic mahdi in the end times?
He's the one!!!
LOL. this cracked me up. you are not serious are you?
No, I think the reason why he picks such a topic is because at the moment america has been in war with muslims. And since he has just come in to power he has to put things right as that is what his country expects.
i know it sounds terrible, but you have to admit...if he IS linked with terrorist organisations in secret, it's by far the most devious and brilliant plan theyve had and may well bring alot of damage if succeeded...

BEFORE YOU RATE ME DOWN, i in no way believe this or support it...it is merely an outlandish theory
Apparently there is a growing market for fairy-tales for adults!
I think there is a lot of kool aid in your question.

For one thing there was never a question about him being in the closet about his father and others having been Muslim.

For another his father left when he was very young and he himself is not a Muslim, he is a Christian.

Every president makes a change, and that change comes from him.

Bush declared himself the decider, he made many changes, few of them good, but no one felt he was the antichrist.

Prophecies are worded so loosely that over the centuries many can claim to fulfill them. But they aren't ever so specific that when they don't come true there isn't a way out.
the anti christ is predicted in most religions, it makes interesting reading telling you the signs to look out for
may i ask whats ur source for the %26quot;prediction%26quot; or prophecy that you're telling? because i am a muslim from the middle east and i've never heard of this before so it's not really as common as u think! while we all here think obama is a good change, we dont really believe %26quot;he is with us%26quot; or whatever thats supposed to mean.

Can anyone else relate to this song in any way?

I really love it, it's beautiful =)

Take a Chance by Matt White Band:

Maybe we could drive a little more

One more song we both could sing

Then maybe i could be sure of things

I never try to tell you what you want

Look at me see what you need

I couldnt simply let you be

You let down your guard

That's when i slipped right in

Take a chance on a little bit of love, a little love

Throw your caution to the wind

Let it take away, shake out the worries

Do it before it's too late, before it's too late

Maybe we could laugh a little more

One more smile you're feeling things,

You and I can sense the change, the change

I speak my feelings a lot, I'm not to proud

I gotta get to the bottom of what's keeping her around

Cause you let down your guard

That's when i slipped right in

Take a chance on a little bit of love, a little love

Throw your caution to the wind

Let it take away, shake out the worries

Do it before it's too late, before it's too late

Throw your caution to the wind

Let it take away, yeahhh oh yeah

Cause you spend too much time

Pretending i don't really care but i do, i do

I tell you

Throw your caution to the wind

Let it take away, shake out the worries

Do it before it's too late, before it's too late

Throw your caution to the wind

Let it take away, yeahhh oh yeah

Throw your caution to the wind

Let it take away, yeahhh oh yeah
Can anyone else relate to this song in any way?
I Have To Hear The Beat To Actually Like The Song.

Could someone read over my essay?

Hi, Im writing this for my AP English class, and would really like some constructive criticism. I know there are some, so don't tell me that I have none. Please help me! Need to turn it by tomorrow!

All illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States should be found and receive their punishment immediately. The people of America have begun to notice a change; the change in which the U.S. lands are constantly being bombarded by the waves of immigrants. Sources C, F and E give us a vague idea about the current problems the country is going through. As well as identifying the problem, it also suggests on ways to minimize the effects of the problem. The problems that are caused are economic hardships, the workforce is becoming weaker, and expenses are shooting through the roof, personal injury increasing as well, including mental and physical, and many others.

How does the presence of Illegal Immigrants affect us? According to source “C”, “The People of California”. The article informs us that because of Illegal Immigrants the people have suffered tremendously. Because of “Aliens”, the people were beginning to have security issues as well as their faith in federal agencies. “Aliens” were also the reasons behind the expenditure of the state of California. Source “E” also has a similar outlook on this matter, “Millions in our country who violate.” The people were ready to accept immigrants into their society, but even though they did, the immigrants did not obey their laws.

Population changes in the previous years have been massive. This would mean that honest Americans would become unemployed, resulting to more expenditure from the government. According to source “F”, the immigrant’s population, from the year of 1996, has doubled to a population pf 11 million in the recent years. This resulted in thousands of job shortages, and also resulting in crime. “If an automatic “path to citizenship”…” This would mean that if the government had offered amnesty, the entire illegal immigrants population would be legalized, which would be cruel to the legal immigrants who earned their citizenship.

Why is the American Treasury constantly losing money? Because of the constant wave of immigrants, who do not feel the need to legalize themselves, and also because of the cost and labor to track the “Aliens”. Throughout the years, illegal immigrants have been stealing the jobs of true Americans. They control 24% of the work present in farming alone. All of their salaries are undocumented because of no paper work. This would result in no taxation, as well as no income for the government. According to data-analysis of the year 2005, 12.4% of the births taken place in the US, were immigrants.

The government needs to make a decision, it needs to make changes. It needs to limit the years of residency given, as well as enforcing rules and laws. They need to protect Americans, as well as the Legal Immigrants. Even though it would cost great amounts to deport the “aliens” it would still result in a cheaper price.

Could someone read over my essay?
Your intro is wayyyyy to long. Ideally, AP essay intros should be 2-3 sentences long. Why are you incorporating support in the intro?

Your thesis is muddled. How can you make it more concise?

Using a sentence as a transition is weak writing.

You need to start with the thesis. Formulate a thesis that clearly identifies your position in addition to the main reason behind your position. I realize you have three points, which you don't have to list in the thesis, but you'll need to put those three points under an umbrella of sorts... Kind of like this:

Illegal immigrants should be given every opportunity to remain in the US as long as they adhere to the established policies.

I would then discuss two or three policies to which they should adhere.

  • clear nail polish
  • take advice fron me
  • Do you believe that non Muslims will go to hell? Even if their good deed out weigh their evil deeds?

    Then how do you explain this verse?

    Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.

    (Holy Qur'an 2:62)

    Some of you will say, but the bible was changed, the change was already made, according to the Holy Qur'an, and still Allah said what he said.........

    Did Allah not know of this change, if you insist that it was changed?
    Do you believe that non Muslims will go to hell? Even if their good deed out weigh their evil deeds?
    Yes according to Hadith one sect of Christianity and Judaism have Jannah.

    The Bible Old Testament is the word of ALLAH. The New testament in which the whole son of god idea came from is the blame, it is not by Jesus (as) at all or the word of god, but the word of Luke and Paul.

    Remember anyone who says La ila ha ilallah ( There is no god but god) and have an ATOMS weight of good in their heart will be of the lowest rank Jannah. Such is the Mercy of Allah (swt)

    Edit: No actually there are some differences


    @Poisen (Natassias clone to fight Ankaboot, yeah every1 knows), actually I DID say there is a difference between Torah and OT look at my link. And show me son of god in the OT please.

    Do you believe that non Muslims will go to hell? Even if their good deed out weigh their evil deeds?
    2:62 was abrogated by 9:29-30.

    Didn't you know?

    We Christians are deluded because we believe in the scriptures that say Jesus is the Son of God.

    Stupid Christians for trusting in their scriptures that Allah gave to them but then allowed to get %26quot;corrupted.%26quot;

    EDIT @ Imam....What do you mean, eventually? Allah's going to make them sit in some kind of Islamic purgatory for a while? Don't forget, the verse says they will not have any fear nor will they grieve. Guess what? Hell is full of fear and grieving. So, it looks like according to this verse, I will not enter hell at all.

    So, you'd better hope it was abrogated or Islam is thrown out the window as unnecessary.
    My understanding of the verse:

    ? All monotheists will EVENTUALLY enter heaven.

    ? The verse also states the three minimum conditions for a believer:

    [1] believes in Allah - [must NOT contradict Tawhid]

    [2] and the Last Day

    [3] and does good deeds

    ? Yes the bible have changed:

    (Koran 2:79) So woe to those who wrote the Book with their hands, and then say: %26quot;This is from Allah,%26quot; that they may sell it for a little price. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for their earnings

    ? It may NOWADAYS refer to particular sects of Christianity or orthodox Judaism which believes in strict monotheism, or that assume 1-2 generations after their respective prophets' times when it was not corrupted.

    ? Example: NOT all Christians believe that Jesus was divine. There are Unitarian Christians as well. There are Christians who believe that Jesus was a man. And so on and on....

    ? Point to be noted that: it may not refer to today's Christianity, which is purely pagan in nature (mithraism).

    ? TO BE NOTED: status of Jesus was decide in 325 AD, under Constantine, so we can safely assume that: there were factions of Christians in those 300 years which denied the divinity of ibn Maryam (as).

    ? [Yusuf Ali 5:69] Those who believe (in the Qur’an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

    ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


    .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

    I thought that Allaah was neither a loving God nor a hating God, but JUST God!. My answer reflects my thinking. To me Monotheists are H-n-f [follower of One God of Ibrahim (as)].

    Ok the person may not have offered prayers [Islamic ways] or may not have done hajj, but these are sins against God, and God is stated as ar- Rahman and ar- Rahim hundreds of times over.
    only allah knows.
    first did you read the verse

    Allah say

    these truly believes in Allah

    so if you in believes in Allah you will go to heaven


    Who is Allah?

    Allah means God. It is a personal name, which Allah calls Himself in the Quran. That is where we get it. It can also be found in an Aramaic copy of the Bible, and even Christian Arabs say Allah.

    Who is Jesus to us?

    Jesus peace be upon Him is a true prophet. Sent by Allah like Moses, Abraham, Lot, Noah, Jonah, Joseph …etc.

    Who were Jesus's parents?

    Jesus is the son of Virgin Mary, and he had no father. Allah created Jesus.

    Can Jesus, or Mohammed peace be upon them be worshipped?

    No, Allah does not accept that a cow, a person, an angel, a prophet, a stone, or anything be worshipped in place of him, or even along with Him. Worship must be to Allah the creator of them.

    What does it mean to believe in Allah?

    It means to believe in Allah in total perfection, and uniqueness.

    It means to believe in His prophets cause they are His, and He sent them. We cannot pick and choose. A Muslim must believe in all the prophets of Allah.

    It means to believe in the Angles! We must love them all, we cannot hate an Angel say, for example, to hate Michael who is charged with rain, and the vegetation of the Earth, or Gabriel who is charged with revelation (brings down the scriptures to the prophets).

    It means to believe in Allah's predestination of good, and bad (relative to us, but to Allah everything Allah does is good).

    It means to believe in the last day: The day of Judgment.

    What about non-Muslims do they go to heaven?

    Allah only accepts Islam. He says in the Quran: %26quot;Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it won't be accepted of him, and he will be one of the losers in the hereafter%26quot;. I would rather lose anywhere, but not lose in the hereafter. This is because Hellfire is eternal. It never ends, and we never die when we go there, if we go there.

    What about someone who never heard of Islam?

    Allah is the most just. Don't even think that we can be nicer than Allah. Allah is the Most Just, and He said in the Quran %26quot;We were not to punish till having sent a warner%26quot;. The %26quot;We%26quot; here is the majestic we used in Arabic. So if a person never heard about Islam, and was never warned clearly Allah would have a special test for that person that He knows is equal to the chance that person would have had on earth.

    How do we know Islam is the truth?

    It is the only religion that:

    1- Hold Allah as One, Unique, and Perfect.

    2- A lonly worship of Allah, not Jesus, not an idol, and not an angel only Allah.

    3- The Quran does not contain contradictions.

    4- The Quran contains scientific facts, which are 1300 years ahead of their time. The Quran while revealed 1400 years ago contains scientific facts, which are only now being discovered. It is not in contradiction to science.

    5- Allah challenges the world to produce the like of the Quran. And He says they won't be able to.

    6- Prophet Mohammed was the most influential man in History. Even a non-Muslim wrote a book called the 100 most influential men in History, and Prophet Mohammed was #1. Prophet Jesus was #3. Note even Prophet Jesus was a prophet sent by Allah. Would Allah allow a false prophet to be so successful? No. Even the Bible says this in Deuteronomy 18:19. A false prophet would die!!! Yet Prophet Mohammed did not die till he completely conveyed, and taught Allah's religion.

    7- He had many prophecies, and all of his prophecies have come true, or are still coming true.

    Most importantly is this:

    Allah created us, and we know that we should only worship Him. This is an instinct Allah has created us with. He did not just leave us, rather He sent prophets for us. These prophets had miracles as proof. The miracle for us today is the Quran. There is no other religion that worships only Allah, and believes in Him as totally perfect, and believes in all of His prophets, and scriptures.

    Can anyone become a Muslim?

    Yes anyone can. There are two declarations, which are necessary:

    1- To bear witness that no one deserves to be worship except Allah

    2- To bear witness that Prophet Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah.

    This makes a person Muslim. But it should be said in Arabic. Next a person takes a shower, and He/She is a Muslim.

    Then What?

    After a person becomes Muslim he/she is taught about Prayers, Fasting, the Poor due, Pilgrimage. These are pillars of Islam.

    Then What?

    Muslims are brothers. A Muslim should love for his brother what he loves for himself. Allah's wealth does not run out, and Allah can provide for us all. We pray for each other, and love each other, and love for our brothers and sisters what we love for ourselves.
    People of the book are not just weighted on their religious beliefs, but also there morals and good deeds, so in my opinion, yes they are going to go to heaven if they are good.
    their good deeds can't out weigh their bad deeds because the worst thing anyone could do is associate partners with Allah (SWT) which most do.
    a lot of people don't believe in fairy tales.

    I really wonder if you have any idea what you are talking about.

    The Old Testament is the Jewish Tanakh.

    The New Testament includes the gospels as well as the epistles from Paul and several other followers of Christ. The New Testament is what differentiates Christians from Jews. If Christians were only supposed to follow the Tanakh, then they'd be Jews, and there'd be no point to the Christ.

    Good grief. The logical fallacies you've used make my brain hurt. And the Old Testament prophesies a SAVIOR. Someone who will bear the burdens of humanity's sins. Did you know that?
    Aouzo bi LLAHI mina shaytan rajim

    bismi llahi Rahmani Rahim:

    “Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [al-Baqarah 2:62]

    The second is the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): “Surely, those who believe, those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians – whosoever believed in Allaah and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [al-Maa’idah 5:69]

    In order to understand these aayaat correctly, we need to refer to the scholars of Tafseer (Qur’aanic commentary). The great Imaam Ismaa’eel ibn Katheer, may Allaah have mercy on him, said in his tafseer of the aayah from Soorat al-Baqarah:

    “Allaah, may He be exalted, points out that whoever of the previous nations did well and was obedient, will have a good reward, and this will be the case for everyone who follows the Unlettered Prophet [Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) until the Hour comes – he will have eternal happiness, and they will not fear what they are going to face, nor will they grieve for what they have left behind. As Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): ‘No doubt! Verily, the awliya’ of Allaah [i.e., those who believe in the Oneness of Allaah and fear Allaah much, and love Allaah much], no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve.’ [Yoonus 10:62]. And Allaah tells us what the angels say to the believers at the time of death (interpretation of the meaning): ‘Verily, those who say, “Our Lord is Allaah,” then they istaqaamu [stood straight, i.e., truly followed Islam], on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): “Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised!”’ [Fussilat 41:30]

    As far as the Jews are concerning, their faith meant believing in the Tawraat (original Torah) and following the way of Moosa (peace be upon him) until ‘Eesa came, after which whoever continued to follow the Torah and the way of Moosa, and did not leave this and follow ‘Eesa, was doomed. As far as the Christians are concerned, their faith meant believing in the Injeel (original Gospel) and following the laws of ‘Eesa; whoever did this was a believer whose faith was acceptable to Allaah, until Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came, after which whoever did not follow Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and leave the way of ‘Eesa and the Injeel that he had been following before, was doomed.

    The aayah (interpretation of the meaning), “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85] is a statement that Allaah will not accept any way or deed from anyone, after sending His Final Messenger, except those that are in accordance with the laws of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Prior to this, however, anyone who followed the Prophet of his own time was on the Straight Path of salvation. So the Jews were those who followed Moosa (peace be upon him) and referred to the Tawraat for judgement at that time. When Allaah sent ‘Eesa (peace be upon him), the Children of Israel were obliged to follow him and obey him, and so they and others who followed him became Christians.. When Allaah sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), as the Final Prophet and a Messenger to all the children of Adam, all of mankind was obliged to believe in him and obey him, and refrain from what he prohibited. Those who did so are the true believers. The ummah (nation) of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are called the believers because of their deep eemaan (faith) and conviction, and because they believe in all the past Prophets and in the prophesied events that are yet to come.”

    Commenting on the aayah in Soorat al-Baqarah, Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

    “What is meant is that every group believed in Allaah and the Last Day, which is the appointed Day of Reckoning, and did righteous deeds. But after Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was sent to both mankind and the jinn, true belief can only be in accordance with the way of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Whoever follows his way will not fear the future or grieve for what they leave behind.

    Islam Q%26amp;A

    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
    This is the beauty of Islam. Unlike Christianity and Judaism our religion is action-based rather than faith-based.

    Whoever does good, whether a Muslim or an unbeliever, God will reward him.%26quot; His Holiness (as) was asked: 'What is rewarding an unbeliever like?' The Holy Prophet (as) replied: %26quot;If they have had regard for kinship or given alms or done any good, God Almighty would grant them wealth, children, and health in reward to their good deeds.%26quot; He was (further) asked: 'How will they be rewarded in the Hereafter?' The Holy Prophet (as) replied: %26quot;They will receive less severe punishment. Then he recited this verse from the Holy Qur'an: (Cast the people of Pharaoh into the severest burning fire!) (Al Nur: 46)

    - Mizan al-Hikmah, II, 662: 2213.
    Do you believe that non Muslims will go to hell? Even if their good deed out weigh their evil deeds?

    Then how do you explain this verse?

    Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.

    (Holy Qur'an 2:62)


    The verse is best explained by another verse so that there will be no more confusion:

    %26quot;If only the People of the Book had believed and been righteous, We should indeed have blotted out their iniquities and admitted them to gardens of bliss.%26quot;

    (Quran 5:65)


    You said:

    Some of you will say, but the bible was changed, the change was already made, according to the Holy Qur'an, and still Allah said what he said.........

    Did Allah not know of this change, if you insist that it was changed?


    First of all, Neither Christians nor Jews (in general) believe in oneness of Allah. On time, A Christian man entered the mosque while the Rasulullah s.a.w. was reciting from the Quran:

    %26quot;They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their priests to be their lords besides Allah%26quot;

    (Quran 9:31)

    So he said: %26quot;We did not worship our priests.%26quot; The Messenger said: %26quot;Yes, you do. Don't they make the Halal (allowed matters) Haram (disallowed matters) and the Haram Halal, then you follow them?%26quot; He answered yes. The Messenger said: %26quot;That is worshiping them.%26quot;

    So by obeying their priests in things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires without being ordered by Allah, they made them partners of Allah.
    No I don't believe non Muslims will go to hell. If other religions don't believe the same ways, why should they be punished for it? Everyone has their own mind to speak for themselves and believe what they want to believe. Everyone is equal :) No matter the differences.
    Attitude of Islam towards other religions

    I have some questions about Islam, could you explain them for me? What does Islam say about people of other religions? Are all non-Muslim people regarded as sinners because they do not follow Allaah and Islam? Can any non-Muslim person enter Paradise without following Islam?.

    Praise be to Allaah.

    The ruling of Islam concerning other religions is that they are all either fabricated and false, or abrogated.

    The fabricated and false religions are those like the ancient Arabian practise of worshipping idols and stones.

    The abrogated religions are those which were taught by the Prophets who came before our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). They are valid in that their origins are from Allaah, but Islam came and took their place, not with regard to basic beliefs such as the existence of God, the angels, Paradise and Hell, for these are matters which all the Messengers have in common, but there are differences between them with regard to ways of worshipping and drawing close to Allaah by means of prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, alms, etc. The later followers of the Prophets have fallen into deviations of belief and shirk, but Islam came to point that out and bring people back to the correct belief taught by the earlier Prophets.

    It was narrated that Abu’l-Darda’ (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: ‘Umar brought some pages of the Tawraat to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, “O Messenger of Allaah, these are some pages of the Tawraat which I took from a brother of mine from Banu Zurayq.” The expression of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) changed, and ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Zayd – who had been shown the adhaan [in a dream] – said, “Has Allaah taken away your mind? Do you not see the expression on the face of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)?” ‘Umar said, “We are pleased with Allaah as our Lord and with Islam as our religion and with Muhammad as our Prophet and with the Qur’aan as our guide.” Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) relaxed [?}, and said, “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if Moosa were to come among you and you were to follow him and leave me, you would have gone far astray. You are my share among the nations and I am your share among the Prophets.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 15437).

    Ibn Hajar said:

    All the isnaads of this hadeeth are such that they could not be taken as evidence individually, but when taken together they prove that this hadeeth is correct. (Fath al-Baari, 13/525).

    The evidence for that is the verse in which Allah says (interpretation if the meaning):

    “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers”

    [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

    Imam al-Tabari said in his commentary on this verse:

    What Allaah means by that is that whoever looks for a religion other than Islam to follow, Allaah will never accept that from him, “and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers” meaning, one of those who deprived themselves of their share of the mercy of Allaah.”

    (Tafseer al-Tabari, 3/339)

    Islam does not regard them (followers of other religions) only as sinners, but as kaafirs (disbelievers) who will abide forever in the Fire of Hell, as stated in the verse quoted above.

    He (the kaafir) will be a loser in Hell, and will not come of out it. It is not possible for a kaafir to enter Paradise unless he becomes Muslim. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “Verily, those who belie Our Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and treat them with arrogance, for them the gates of heaven will not be opened, and they will not enter Paradise until the camel goes through the eye of the needle (which is impossible). Thus do We recompense the Mujrimoon (criminals, polytheists, sinners)”

    [al-A’raaf 7:40]

    It was proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “By the One is Whose hand is my soul, no one of this nation, Jew or Christian, will hear of me and not believe in that with which I have been sent, but he will be one of the people of Hell.” (Narrated by Muslim).

    We ask Allaah to guide the seekers of truth from other religions to look into the religion of Islam and its Book, the Qur’aan. May Allaah guide them and open their hearts to enter Islam.

    Islam Q%26amp;A

    well, god is just tooo forgiving and also, i dont think they will, and anyway, it's for god to decide....
    As long as they truly believes in Allah all of them falls under the same category. If we say that in todays world they are all believers then my question is why are all of them not agreeable with each other?

    I have a tv that ONLY works with dvd or games for some reason the tv will not work any other way anyone know?

    so does any one know how to connect my dvd to the tv and watch tv like that changing the changes thru the dvd????
    I have a tv that ONLY works with dvd or games for some reason the tv will not work any other way anyone know?
    It sounds like it is stuck on an INPUT mode. try looking on ur remote/tv for an INPUT button, or try using the arrow keys on the front of the TV for channels, or check the menu on your tv. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out. You can always hook up an old VCR to change the channels if you can't figure it out, but you must be pretty dumb if that is the case
    I have a tv that ONLY works with dvd or games for some reason the tv will not work any other way anyone know?
    You can get TiVo. It goes through the same way DVD players and video games do. You can watch tv with it, record programs, or whatever you want.

    To put a bullet in my head, to jump off a building, to crash my car against a concrete wall, to slit my?

    wrists open, to go to Iraq and get killed, to get hit by a car, to die. These are the thoughts I have of my own, The best solution I think there is for all my problems, I was always a kid with a smile on his face, but as things changed and people changed The change was too much for me to handle, and I believe somewhere along the way I lost my heart, No remorse, no sadness, no feelings, no heart. To feel gloomy in a perfect sunny day with blue skies. To feel alone while there is millions around me. And to feel lost with no guidance. To feel rejected by everyone, even your mother. To be treated like dirt. For your mother to say your useless and you wont go anywhere and that you are like the rest..to lose the only person you loved and who loved you back. To lose the only company you have, your dog. To feel lost with no place to go. These who I am, and what I feel. Why?
    To put a bullet in my head, to jump off a building, to crash my car against a concrete wall, to slit my?
    It sounds like a rough patch... They're tough to get through but with some perseverance you can. I've had a hard time for 8 years and am finally just out of it! What you should do is not think (it's hard I know) about all the things that put you down. Take all of the good things as small as they can be and focus on that. This website helped me: http://web.mac.com/karismac/iWeb/Janpawl鈥?/a>

    What also helped me was having someone to talk to so if you want to talk feel free to email me, I'll be there. :-)

    Don't worry, you'll get through it!
    To put a bullet in my head, to jump off a building, to crash my car against a concrete wall, to slit my?
    You are severely depressed get some help TODAY. If you can't tell your parents talk to a friend, neighbor, teacher if you are in school.

    Talk to your pastor if you go to church. Just do it today.

    GO NOW!!

    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    English hebrew translation plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... ASAP?

    the text is

    %26quot;I want to say more than this to our stupid enemy,

    The greatest historical mistake that could be perpetrated by the American administration or

    sharon's government is waging any time soon a military aggression against Lebanon or syria, because this agression will be faced by a martyrdom resistance, and the victory will be huge, and the table will turn over on the all

    and the region will revert to the era of changes; the changes.. not done by america and israel. here, in lebanon, the change is done by the martyrs, the freedom fighters, the resistance fighters, and the fine bloods.%26quot;

    btw YEAH it is a Nasrallah speech!!!
    English hebrew translation plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... ASAP?
    Oh, of course that's not biased.

    GL getting an answer to this one.

    Would this make a good song?

    Hell To Pay

    we need to stop this selfisness

    i know theres so much more to this

    than only thinking of ourselves

    were the ones who call the shots

    destroy the earth, and burn the crops

    is this what we are here for?

    to deface ourselves, and start these wars

    i know there is a better way

    and we can make the change the change today

    before it is too late

    before it is too late

    we cant let it end like this

    this degradation is so meaningless

    i see a solution

    but it all comes down to us

    were the ones who call the shots

    destroy the earth and burn the crops

    is this what we are put here for

    to deface ourselves and start these wars

    i know there is a better way

    we have to make a change today

    before it is too late

    before it is too late

    there will be hell to pay
    Would this make a good song?
    nope. the same old stuff that's been sung over and over again.
    Would this make a good song?
    No, sorry, more of a poem.
  • short hair styles
  • shared web hosting
  • How to turn off "Maintenance Req'd" light on 03 Odyssey??

    My 2003 Honda Odyssey is in need for an oil change. The change was done by local auto mechanic since I had it, however, last oil change was done at dealer while it was in for other repairs. Now the light's been blinking for like 1-2 months and today it wont go off. Does anyone know how to turn the %26quot;Maint Req'd%26quot; light off? I'm going to do the oil change from now on with the syntetic oil but do not know how to reset the light.

    How to turn off %26quot;Maintenance Req'd%26quot; light on 03 Odyssey??
    Maybe this will help:

    While the car is off, push and _hold_ in your Trip meter button, then while still holding that button in... turn your ignition key to _On_ (not start). Wait until light goes out or you need a hair cut... which ever comes 1st. LOL, seriously it should go out in about 15 seconds or less
    How to turn off %26quot;Maintenance Req'd%26quot; light on 03 Odyssey??
    you don't just ignore the silly thing...or you could go and have the dealership turn it off and have to pay them like $50 to hook it up to their computer.
    Go back to the dealer that did the oil change and tell them they forgot to reset the light, they will take care of it for you.

    Or, to reset the %26quot;Maint Rqrd%26quot; light, you push and hold the reset knob and then engage the accessories via the the ignition switch.
    theremay be more maint required than oil change. have it hooked up and let the computer tell you the problem and then go from there.
    Hold in the trip reset button. Turn the key to on. The light will flash several times and then go out. Let go of the button, you're done.

    I wouldn't start a high mileage engine on synthetic oil. The smaller molecules may leak past the rings and cause smoke. Regular oil is cheaper and if you want the engine to last just change it more often.
    The dealer could tell you.dur.
    I think if you go to a mechanic and explain the situation they will just turn it off for you. The light in my car comes on if I dont tighten the freakin gas cap just right and I know my husbands just takes it in and they turn it off no charge.

    Please help me please please ITS VERY URGENT PLEASE?

    Ok, so I wrote this for my conclusion paragraph, I need help editing it. THANKS for the HUGE FAVOR.

    Because of Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, the way people looked at natural world around them, changed. The change thus brought into the world did not come easy. There were a number of problems and difficulties they were in the way of Enlightenment. Those emperors and rulers who thought that this will reduce their power and influence created hurdles in the way of Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. Even those who wanted to accept the Enlightenment intended to use these to expand their empires and increase power. Enlightenment requires social justice and happiness. Not every one agreed with this idea. Some of the churches and Governments thought that they have sacred duty to protecting the old order. These Governments in order to stop the ideas of Enlightenment from spreading imposed censorship. They burned the books and imprisoned the writers.
    Please help me please please ITS VERY URGENT PLEASE?
    Both the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment changed people's way of looking at the natural world around them. This change, however, did not come easily. Many people tried to stop Enlightenment and created a number of problems, difficulties, and hurdles to prevent it. There were many emperors and rulers who, at the time, thought that Enlightenment and a Scientific Revolution would reduce their power and influence. The few rulers who wanted to embrace Enlightenment intended to use it only to expand their empires and increase their power. Also, the churches and governments saw it as their duty to protect the old order from the new ideas of social justice and happiness that went with Enlightenment. Their form of action was imposing censorship. In order to stop the ideas of Enlightenment from spreading, these organizations burned books and imprisoned authors, thereby maintaining their control.

    I think that sounds better. Hope you like it!
    Please help me please please ITS VERY URGENT PLEASE?
    No one can accurately evaluate your conclusion paragraph without reading the body of the essay that came before.
    Sorry, I'm too lazy to edit this whole thing :X.

    But don't start any sentences in a formal paper with BECAUSE or anything, like BUT or AND er anything .

    Start the whole thing with DUE TO or something;

    Glancing through this, the word ENLIGHTENMENT seems to be said a lot. Not knowing if it's necessary every time it's said ; again, I didn't really read this .

    My English teacher always says %26quot;vary your sentence starters%26quot;.

    For instance, you can't always start every sentence saying THE . you know ?

    I actually don't think you did, Just mentioning that o_o

    %26quot;There were a number of problems and difficulties they were in the way of Enlightenment.%26quot;

    Run on sentence?

    Stop before THEY WERE.

    I think.

    Or no, I don't know what you mean. Did you mean THAT WERE.. ??

    %26quot;Those emperors and rulers who thought that this ***will*** reduce their power and influence created hurdles in the way of Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment.%26quot;

    You're mixing past and present tense. Change WILL to WOULD.

    Again with

    %26quot;Some of the churches and Governments thought that they ***have*** sacred duty to protecting the old order.%26quot;

    have = had.

    And INDENT ! ;D.

    Can you give me feedback?!?!?

    Percent Change Graph

    This is the percent change graph. The change in mass is represented by the black line, displaced volume is shown by the red line, and the blue line represents change in calculated volume. Notice that core one had a positive change while cores two thru six had a negative change. The change in displaced volume is thought to be inconclusive. Finally, the change in calculated volume, represented by the blue ,line, shows that core one had a positive change while cores two thru six had a negative change. (See Taylor West鈥檚 graph)

    Change in Mass Graph

    The change in mass graph shows that all cores had a negative change except core one. Day one data is represented by stripes while day two is shown by a solid bar.

    Change in Water Displacement Graph

    This is the change in Volume by Displacement Graph. Green represents the volume on day one and purple shows the volume on day two. This graph shows that cores one, three, four, and five had no change. Core two had a positive change and core six had a negative change in volume.

    Volume by Calculation Graph

    The Volume by Calculation Graph shows the change in volume using volume calculation. This shows that all cores except core six had a positive change.
    Can you give me feedback?!?!?
    WHATS THE question.?

    People from Canada or England please answer about your health care system?

    A lot of heat is going on in the United States about a health care change. The change being voted on in our government is to enact a health care system similar to Canada's and England's. There are a lot of people opposed to this change here in America. My question is: Do you like your current health care system, or hate it? One issue that causes alarm is how long of a wait a person with a serious illness has after diagnosis for treatment of the disease. For example, one TV ad said that in Canada a woman was diagnosed with cancer, but she was in waiting for 6 months before she was able to get treatment and her cancer spread and she passed. All I know is our health care system right now is very expensive for uninsured people and can be expensive for people who are insured.
    People from Canada or England please answer about your health care system?
    I am from England, and have always received good levels of treatment on the NHS.

    The NHS has a lot of very dedicated staff and some very good hospitals, especially the major teaching hospitals.

    As for waiting times, there are minimum targets, such as the new 2 week target for seeing a Cancer Specialist.


    The NHS has also gone through a period of rapid modernisation in recent years, with many hospitals rebuilt or extensively refurbished.

    Judge for yourself, here's a few NHS Trusts -



















    People from Canada or England please answer about your health care system?
    no, it stinks.

    Lucky people go to America for treatment and to live longer
    Mine sucks (I'm in England).

    The NHS is too far in debt to treat you and we common people can't afford private treatment. It's not much good I'm a fraid :/
    In Canada, everyone and that means unemployed and those on welfare also pay the same amount for health insurance, excluding executives, managers and union members where company's pay their health insurance

    Plus 1/3 of Canadians also have private healthcare insurance.

    According to the Fraser Institute, treatment time from initial referral by a GP through consultation with a specialist to final treatment, across all specialties and all procedures (emergency, non-urgent, and elective), averaged 17.7 weeks in 2005.[31][32] However, the Fraser Institute's report is greatly at odds with the Canadian government's own 2007 report.[33]

    One of the major complaints about the Canadian health care system is waiting times, whether for a specialist, major elective surgery, such as hip replacement, imaging procedures such as MRI or Cystoscopy, or specialized treatments, such as radiation for breast cancer. Studies by the Commonwealth Fund found that 57% of Canadians reported waiting 4 weeks or more to see a specialist; 24% of Canadians waited 4 hours or more in the emergency room.[25]

    A March 2, 2004, article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal stated, %26quot;Saskatchewan is under fire for having the longest waiting time in the country for a diagnostic MRI鈥攁 whopping 22 months.%26quot; [26]
    U.S will not have a Canadian style health care system. Have you been paying attention to president Obama?
    The NHS in Britain really isn't bad. You know that if you ever get ill or hurt you will be taken care of.

    It may not be up to private standards but it is a good failsafe. No-one dying because they aren't rich enough.

    Private here though isn't exactly expensive.
    The NHS is not for England but for all of the United Kingdom, Please say you know what the United Kingdom is ? Scotland,England,Wales and Northern Ireland.

    The NHS is good for the people of the United Kingdom, If we did not have it then I am sure some people would not have Health Care at all and people would be in some trouble, I dont think the United States should step in to Universal Health care yet as your population grows and your economy delclines it will be a big price for your Government.
    You can ask a hundred people and get an hundred different answers. If your problem is not life threatening you will be made to wait. If it is life threatening you will be looked after rather quickly.

    Go to any emergency room in Canada and you will see things that are unbelievable. Children with colds. Adults with a cut finger some

    guy with a black eye. These are just some of the things that make heath care what it is. People misusing the system. We in Canada

    can go to any Doctor we choose and any specialist we are referred to. I am 82 and have absolutely no complaints but your (U.S) system will be run by the government as to what, who, and why.
    I am Canadian and I think our system is great. I have always received great care and have not had to wait for care.
    Actually, it is not a system similar to that in the UK and Canada. It is similar to the systems in the Netherlands and Switzerland. Yes we do like our system, or we would have voted for change. Your article is accurate but more importantly, that person in the ER once discharged would get care afterwards. Statins, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors (or AR2B receptor blockers) and if they changed jobs, or became self employed would still be covered for all aspects of health.

    Suspected cancers are seen within two weeks. This year, I know of a man seen by his family doctor at home (that does not happen in the USA), sent for a chest x-ray. Seen again that day once the chest x-ray showed suspected cancer and was referred to see a chest specialist. Within 48 hours, they had a whole body CT and the next week they were seen for radiotherapy. And he did not have private health insurance. And with his strong family history of cancer, no insurance company would touch him to cover him for cancer if he was in the USA.

    I am always amazed how many Americans seem not to be aware about the issues with healthcare relying on FOX and other sources to spread misinformation about the healthcare system of the USA and those abroad.

    First of all, Obama wants to make insurance more available to all and change the system so that it is cheaper [1]. He also wants change so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Holland and Switzerland where private companies are involved in providing insurance [2].

    Second, of course universal health-cover sucks. That is why we in Western Europe have it. We think, hmm, our healthcare system sucks. I know, lets keep it. I guess that is the same with Japan and Canada as well.

    Third, Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected by the American people to do this [3].

    FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids both for kids aged under one and those under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [4,5].

    FACT 鈥?American insurance companies push up prices and work to stop paying out claims on those they cover [6].

    FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [7].

    That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, Cuba, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage.

    Last of all if you do not like the policies that Obama was elected to bring in, he can always be voted out of office in 2012.
    I love the NHS, it is by far the best thing here and everyone I know agrees with me. Sure it's inefficient but it covers everyone in the entire country regardless of who you are and is free at point of delivery. Don't listen to all this crap about it restricting your freedom, you either get treated or you don't.

    How are percents over 100 possible? Plus other math problems.?

    I'm doing my math homework and its where I have to find the percent of change. The change is from 125 to 251. My answer is 100.8%. How is this possible if percent means per hundred? I also have these word problems that I don't understand.

    1) A store has a frequent shopper program.Depending on the number of items purchased in the previous month, you get an additional 10%, 20%, or 30% off. During a 15% sale, you paid $37.40 for a $55 item. What discount did you receive?

    2) A comic book store gives you a discount based on the number of comic books you buy. If you buy 1-5 books, your discount is 5%. 6-10 books, 10%. 10+ books, 20%. Your friend pays $15.29 for comics originally priced at 16.99. What is the least number of books your friend bought?
    How are percents over 100 possible? Plus other math problems.?
    The percent is frequently more than 100% if it is referring to a change more than the original.

    1) $37.40 out of $55 = 37.4梅55 = 0.68 = 68% The percentage off is 100%-68% = 32% which means that the discount% is 32-15 = 17%.

    2) discount=16.99-15.29 = $1.70

    percent = 1.7 梅 16.99 = 10%

    that's it! ;)
    How are percents over 100 possible? Plus other math problems.?
    Don't think of percents as parts of a whole. Relate them to improper or mixed fractions.

    1) It sounds like a trick question. Doesn't it say 15% in the first place?

    2) Sorry, too lazy to figure out.
  • myspace commentes
  • i own a problem near my computer
  • A serious question about evolution. I need some really smart people to answer!?

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9136200/ - 40 million nucleotide changes


    up to 95% difference

    Here are just a few simple sources that lead people to quote the percent difference between humans and chimps.

    My questions are as follows. If humans and chimps are (I will use the conservative average) 98.5% similar and 1.5% dissimilar, what is the similarity and dissimilarity between both of these and their common ancestor from say 3 million years ago. Would it be half way in between? Was that common ancestor more similar to a human by 50% than a chimp is? I would suspect the answer is no. The common ancestor was not halfway to a human between a chimp and a human and then a split happened and the human has evolved equally away from the common ancestor as did the chimp. I would suspect the DNA of the common ancestor was probably the same amount as different as a chimp is from a human, or greater. I don't know if there is any studies to refute this or establish it, (There probably is no genome sequence comparisons that are able to be done on an early ancestor like this) So, I will use the 1.5% difference between the common ancestor and the human for my question.

    This 1.5% accounts for 45,000,000 single nucleotide changes. The changes in nucleotides is fairly well understood and the rate is fairly well establised. Using that number, how was there enough time for a single nucleotide change to occur, that single change provide a selectable advantage (is that even possible), then that single change spread to enough of the population in order not to be swallowed back up it the pool of well functioning DNA sequences. (We realize that there is not really a life or death advantage between a chimp and a human as far as enviroment and diet. The percent of selectable advantage difference I think would be really low. (This single change could not account for a stark survival rate difference.) Then have more single point changes occur in benifitial areas in the DNA. Avoid and select out any that occured in the genes that negitivly effected the 10's of thousands of things in the body that that cannot be altered without death or negative effects occuring. (chemistry- molecular biology - needed organs, ect.) Have the random single point mutations occur in the correct spot and in the correct direction to bring the common ancestor 3 million years ago up to a human. Using the 45 million nucleotide changes and the 3 million years there would have to be 15 of these events every year for 3 million years. Is that possible?
    A serious question about evolution. I need some really smart people to answer!?
    An interesting analysis ... and I defer to the great answers already provided by emucompboy and Wise Duck.

    I'lll just emphasize the two errors in your calculations.

    First is the assumption that if humans and chimps show a 1.5% difference, that this means a 1.5% difference with the common ancestor. Instead, there is no reason to assume that chimps have not been evolving just as much as we have ... so emucompboy is correct that the correct number should be 0.75%.

    Second is failing to differentiate between genetic DNA (DNA actually involved in coding genes) and (for lack of a better term) junk DNA, which does not code for genes and represents as much as 98% of our DNA. The 1.5% difference between humans and chimps ... or 0.75% between humans and the common ancestor ... refers to the *genetic DNA*, which represents only about 6 million base pairs ... so 0.75% of 6 million is about 45,000 base pairs difference. So over 5 million years, that's about 1 base-pair difference in genetic DNA every 111 years (if I did my math right). That is not hard for natural selection to explain.

    Now if you want to use the full genome of 3 billion base-pairs, instead of just genetic DNA, then the numbers are much larger ... but, then natural selection is not acting on junk DNA. I.e. changes to junk DNA, since they do not code for anything that affects the owner one way or another, are neither beneficial nor harmful ... they are neutral. As such, they do not have to be selected for, or survive the culling of being selected against ... they just appear due to random mutations, and spread into the population by genetic drift. So natural selection doesn't have to explain them.
    A serious question about evolution. I need some really smart people to answer!?
    I think that the common ancestor was more than 3 million years ago. You are make an assumption on that figure. In any case there would not likely be 15 changes per year, but a large number in certain years due to mutations or other factors.
    %26gt; I will use the 1.5% difference between the common ancestor and the human for my question.

    You should assume that chimps have evolved equally away from the common ancestor, and thus use only 0.75%. LOL. It's very speculative, but I'll play along.

    %26gt; then that single change spread to enough of the population in order not to be swallowed back up it the pool of well functioning DNA sequences.

    Small population(s). At most times before agriculture, the human species comprised scattered small populations. We also seem to have had genetic bottlenecks, in which the total number of living humans was small.

    %26gt; stark survival rate difference

    It's not %26quot;survival of the fittest.%26quot; It's %26quot;reproduction of those fit enough to reproduce.%26quot;

    %26gt; 3 million years

    Nope. Our common ancestor with chimps was about five million years ago.

    So let's redo your math:

    0.75% over 5 million years. 3 billion * .0075 = 22,500,000 changes. That's 4.5 changes per year. Seem more reasonable? But -- most of those changes are neutral anyway.

    So, let's look at the non-neutral changes.

    Instead, look at it from another standpoint.

    We have 25,000 genes. Let's say that 0.75% of them have changed since our last common ancestor with chimps. That's only 188 genes having changed since our last common ancestor with chimps in five million years. That sounds pretty reasonable, doesn't it?

    The 98.5% refers to coding sequences.

    95% is total genome.

    There are around 175 mutations per generation of humans. It is likely the number is close to that of chimpanzees and our ancestor.

    Our common ancestor with chimps was around 6 million years ago. If we assume a generation time of about 18 years (probably a high estimate), we get a total of 1050000000 mutations.

    This number is over 400 times larger than the total nucleotide difference between chimpanzees and humans, even if we assume maximal difference.

    Clearly the number of possible changes dwarfs those that were fixed in our genome.

    So, how did they spread? Single nucleotide changes can result in a beneficial phenotype. This has been confirmed time and time again in the lab. Any benefical mutation will spread in a population.

    If the mutation is a same-sense or in a non-coding region it is probably irrelevant, and its fixation depends on genetics drift. The population of human ancestors was rather small, so there was a non-trivial amount of drift occurring. Find a population geneticist to explain the equations that determine this.

    More importantly, there is a lot more to mutations than single nucleotide polymorphism. Since the divergence of humans and chimps, a chromosomal fusion, several inversions, duplications, viral infections, and other larger scale genomic events have occurred.

    Why cant i get the start menu on monitor two?

    Please help me! I have two monitors hooked up on my laptop, But My monitor one which is the one on my laptop is broke. My second Monitor pops up but theres no Start menu and I cant get to propertys because it pops up on monitor one, How can I make monitor 2 the man one If i cant get to Properties? I have a paper do and I need it off this stupid laptop But I cant get to it, I just need to pull up my properties on monitor 2 some how I can change the change because monitor one is build into the laptop..And Even if I do How to I get monitor two to show me the same thing as monitor one just some help anything would be nice please help help help..:(..%26gt;going crazy%26lt;
    Why cant i get the start menu on monitor two?
    just clone the laptop monitor to the external monitor

    FN F5

    (it may be different FN -F8 or F10 on yours to clone it

    Yo can also right click anywhere on the desktop and choose settings to work with both monitors
    Why cant i get the start menu on monitor two?
    follow my instructions carefully. you can still chage your settings soyou could use monitor 2. right click your mouse pointing at the taskbar. click %26quot;lock taskbar%26quot;. after doing it left click your taskbar then drag it to the right so that your start menu will pop up to the right. hope this will help.

    Will someone give their opinion on this amateur poem?

    This is no where near good but I was just wondering what kind of responses I would get.

    Killing my breaking life

    My life is only breaking

    Breaking into my dreams

    The vices are so much more appealing

    but how could I pass up

    The life that is breaking

    I hate taking

    And faking

    Just to stay in the urban status quot

    I haven't stole

    But only for a whole

    Life under the mistletoe

    Never came

    The fame

    All in vain

    The patients I set and train

    The life I stole

    Under the mistletoe

    Only away

    Slightly changed

    Elevated change

    The change that has came

    Gift to obtain

    I must sustain

    From the pain

    Killing my breaking life
    Will someone give their opinion on this amateur poem?
    better then a lot of poems on YA....but that isn't saying much...kepd trying....the choppiness was 'interesting' i guess

    Can someone help me revise my essay?

    it's about Timothy Treadwell. i don't have my conclusion yet so revise what i have right now.

    Some can argue if Timothy Treadwell is a transcendentalist or not. One can say he is a little transcendentalist but not 100% based on what he showed us in his videos. Some can see him as a crazy person or a person doing what’s best for our planet by showing us what would happen if the bears don’t have enough food or something bad like that. Treadwell wants the world to take care of our animals and nature. Once it’s gone, it can never come back again. Three things that Treadwell shows that he is a little transcendentalist are why people don’t get him, what he did, and the negative qualities of Treadwell.

    When Treadwell was a little kid, he always loved bears. He had his favorite stuffed bear while he was growing up. One day he wanted to do more with his life so he went to Alaska and protect the bears. People didn’t understand and still might not understand why he would risk his life for 13 summers to live with the bears. Emerson once said, “To be great is to be misunderstood.” He wanted to show people that we need to take care of our planet if we want to see bears and any other animal live forever. So this movie he made might help the world to stop and smell the roses and do something to make sure that we wont lose any of these animals. He wants humans and animals to live in harmony and hunting animals and trashing our planet wont help them. Therou said “Heaven is under our feet as well as our heads.”

    While he was doing the things he believed in, he was breaking the law. He had to be so far away from the bears and he couldn’t touch them. Also he had to camp out in the open so the bears know where he was but in the last summer he was there, he camped in a spot that wasn’t out in the open. Then he and his girlfriend were killed. He thought he was the bears “protector”. Therou once said, “Living is so dear.” Treadwell thought if didn’t go to Alaska and protect the bears, and then he wasn’t living at all. He had a very simple life. Like what Therou said, “Simplify! Simplify!” Therou also said “I did not want to find, when it came time to die, that I have not lived.” He never wanted anyone to harm the bears and that’s why he never brought one with him for all those years. he would be mad if he found out that someone did not follow his order, “if I die out here, do not come find my body and do not harm the bear who killed me.” He thought he was a better choice to go out to Alaska than protect them where he was living during the winter and fall seasons. There were some negative aspects of Treadwell’s 13 summer’s journey to Alaska.

    Even though Treadwell lived in the wild for so many years doing something good, towards the end, his motive changed. The change wasn’t for the good. For example, he thought he was the only person who can protect the bears from humans who hunt them down. Also he used the bears as a reason why he stopped drinking heavily and for other reasons. Therou said that “The great man is he who believes that what is true for himself is true for all humanity.” When you watch the end of the movie, it seems like he wanted to be a celebrity because he was doing action scenes. Like, jumping the bushes and the trees. He never had anything with him that would help to survive if he was being attacked by a bear. It doesn’t seem right to drop everything down and move away for a couple of months. Therou also said “A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to leave behind.” One can say that the negative things Treadwell did is affecting him to be a true transcendentalist.
    Can someone help me revise my essay?
    Type this on microsoft word then do spell check and grammercheck.

    Would wearing extra socks make me faster?

    I trust physics on my life.

    Here's a small fact on my physic textbook:

    %26quot;Running shoes as shock absorbers: Today, much of the focus of running shoe technology centers on the cushioned midsole that plays a key role as a shock absorber and performance enhancer. Each time a runner鈥檚 foot hits the ground, the ground exerts an equal and opposite force on the runner鈥檚 foot. This force can be nearly four times a runner鈥檚 weight, causing aches and pains, shin splints, and damage to knees and ankles over long distances. Cushioning is used in running shoes to decrease the force absorbed by the runner. As a runner鈥檚 foot hits the ground and come to a stop, its momentum changes. The change in momentum is 螖p = F螖t.

    A shoe鈥檚 cushioning system also affects energy consumption. The bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the foot and leg are a natural cushioning system. But operating this system requires the body to use stored energy to contract muscles. So if a s shoe can be worn that assists a runner鈥檚 natural cushioning system, the runner does not expand much of his or her own stored energy. The energy the runner saved can be spent to run farther or faster. The cushioned midsole uses the law of conversation of energy to return as much of the energy to the runner as possible. The runner鈥檚 kinetic energy transformers to elastic potential energy, plus heat, when the runner鈥檚 foot hits the running surface. If the runner can reduce the amount of energy that is lost as heat, the runner鈥檚 elastic potential energy can be converted back to useful kinetic energy. Bouncy, springy, elastic materials that resist crushing over time commonly are used t o create the cushioned midsole. Options now range from silicone gel pads to complex fluid-filled systems and even springs to give a runner extra energy efficiency.%26quot;

    So would wearing extra sock reduce the amount of energy lost, which I can spend to run faster? (I get tired pretty easy.)
    Would wearing extra socks make me faster?
    its a good theory but running isnt a science. its about how you feel. i never thought about the physics behiind it but if you wear extra soxks it will feel like more weight on your feet and you will feel heavier. i dont wear any socks during cross country races and it makes me feel alot lighter even though its only ounces. it makes you do better and run faster if you feel better. theres no explination or science to it.
  • hair braiding
  • How to make a fleece T-shirt quilt
  • What do you think of my newest single?



    Everyone has been vulnerable at least once in their lifetime. And everyone eventually snaps and ends up telling certain kids where to go.


    You really don't wanna toy with me, B

    You wanna mess me around

    And get me down

    But nah nah, keep on

    And i'll keep going

    Cos everything i thought you was

    Taught me i'm never knowing


    So come on girl, what did you go and change for?

    Cos i haven't changed, i'm still myself and pure

    You used to be the girl on the block

    That used to chill

    The girl on the block, that never admired kids that kill

    But now the times have changed, and i'm deeply depressed

    Our friendship has exchanged

    And was never gonna be for the best

    But you was so real, and down to earth like me

    Now your some one else

    I don't understand how this could be

    How could you go on, playing me

    As a friend

    Slaying me, as a friend

    Cos i never wanted to be anything more

    We was friends, and friends are supposed to stay for

    Ever, and now we will never

    Get together, and jump trees and hedges

    We had our own place where we could get away

    When times were hard, we knew we could play

    You was just around the corner

    So i always thought we'd be

    Friends forever

    How foolish was i to believe?

    But i guess the times have come and gone

    And now all that's left is a song

    Yeah you can deal with that

    But i can't see past that

    All i can see, is you and me

    When we thought that we were bad

    I guess it's true when they say

    That everybody starts to change

    The change i saw in you

    Was the kind of change i needed to lose

    So i was stuck in a hole

    That seemed so far from you

    I never understood how and why

    We started this little feud

    But i will never stand corrected

    When i say it's all because of you

    Because i'm not a liar

    I aint never been, cos i'm not you



    I'll leave you for a bit

    Cos you aint the only one that's done wrong

    I've known plenty of kids

    That just start speaking to me because of a song

    A song that i have written

    Produced and released

    The wrong that's not admitted

    Open up your eyes to see

    Everything infront of me

    Was just lies and deceased

    From every girl down to every boy

    Everything i thought i had, was broken and destroyed

    And it took me a long time to get over it

    The more i tried and tried, i could never see past it

    The hurt that one can leave inside

    Is heartbreaking and shrinks your size

    But over all that, i'm better than the kids that lie

    This song is for any kid that's been hurt and bruised

    Any little kid, that's had their heart get sued

    It's like your in a court room

    With a judge frowning down on you

    With a judge coming down on you

    And crushing every bit of you

    Don't let them take a part of you

    Cos then your really sure to lose

    I had a rough upbringing, but most kids have

    I wont feel sorry for myself, and my violent dad

    Cos there's quite a few kids that have had that

    And imma be here for you kids, that have had that

    I know what it's like, to feel fear inside

    24/7 waiting for an unexpected surprise

    But don't feel lonely, to all my baby homies

    Stay strong, and you'll find where you belong

    As you look up to the sky, and stand and stare

    You see your heart up there, that's getting repaired



    Keep moving on, and i'll move too

    Let's all get up and get into the mood

    The mood where you feel like your invincible

    It's the most amazing feeling

    When these kids can diss and cuss you

    Cos you'll just laugh and grin

    As they spit there silly words

    You can just depart and leave

    And be the biggest man on the earth

    I've done it before in my life, and it was hard

    To leave a pathetic little fight, it was hard

    It feels like your backing down, when really that aint right

    Cos your just ending the start

    Of something that could end up

    With a phone call to your mum in the night

    So be a man, and stand down

    But be sure to never back down

    Backing down means your scared and alone

    But, standing down

    Proves your the king in line for the throne

    Now get out out of here, and stop reading this tune

    Get out off the streets, and show them your no fool



    Now you've heard this song, get out there and prove them wrong.

    Let this motivation take control, and be who you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you, you can't do something. Because we were all thrown here for a reason, to make success within and forget your problems with the street.
    What do you think of my newest single?
    it's alright
    What do you think of my newest single?
    its ok as far as songs go :)

    nice effort

    Can someone explain whats going through the minds of democratic senators in health reform?

    Listen to me, I just need to know whats going on here.

    They want universal health care coverage that covers almost anyone so everyone can have insurance and nobody has to die from poverty. I've seen this and it looks good, however they aren't taking into consideration many things.

    1. They often compare what our health care system would be like compared to frances health care system. The French are successful because they have 3x more doctors per person then america does, along with the fact that they have lower rates of obesity, and other health issues. They say if it works for them it will work for us.... Thats a big conclusion coming from a small statement.

    2. Canada has a crappy health care system, its very ineffective and the sad thing is they still are healthier then the average american. Along with that they have caps on pharmaceutical drugs which allows the cost of medicine to stay down lowering the total cost of coverage.

    3. If we look at all the benefiting factors there will be a huge amount of people that will suddenly be storming hospitals, and this will add to the already huge GND.

    I don't have statistics for anyone, but from the fact that the benefiting factors in america are worse then those in Canada which are already terrible so any logical person can conclude that this reform is going to be a catastrophe. Where are they going to get the money for this cash guzzler?

    Well originally they thought they could just move some money around (30% or so of our total budget) to make room for this bill. Then they realize %26quot;oh snap, we don't have that much money to move around%26quot; So they try and sugar coat it to get it passed by saying they have ways to get the money (China) but not they are saying the one thing that president obama said he would not do, that they would target a specific class to get the money.

    They are proposing to get the money by increasing taxes on doctors by 21% in order to pay for this. They justify it by saying that doctors will get more business so it will even out. Not at all, not at all. With Medicade and Medicare doctors only end up recieving about 15% of the total bill, the rest goes to other places (IRS) when privatized insurance gives about 85% of the money to the doctors which they then lose 40% of that 85% to taxes. This universal health care package will be about even with medicare/cade. So if anyone can do the statistics you'll realize that the soon to be increase in taxes along with the 21% increase in taxes, along with the 15-85% will mean doctors lose alot of money a year. Not to mention that the % of coverages similar to medicare will increase.

    Why I even bring this up you may ask, why am i so concerned about the overly rich wealthy doctors?

    1. Ones of obamas oaths was that he would not raise taxes on any one class/profession. what is he doing now, we're having alot of change, the change is driving us straight into the ground.

    2. You probably already realize by my writing that I'm 14 years old, well heres the situation with both of my parents. They are both doctors, my mom now has a brain tumor in her temperal lobe i think it is and it could kill her. She has been out of work for about a year so my dad has had to work 65-70 hours a week in order to compensate for it. Hes worked hard his entire life and what they are about to try and do will destroy our family. (he has a huge amount of debt as it is from student loans, the house payment (we don't own really fancy stuff or a big house) and many other things. He has not been able to put into his retirement for over a year. This could end up killing him if he has to work anymore then what he is right now, which is kind of ironic because in order to save the people that now have the universal health care coverage, his heart is now giving out because he has to compensate for his losses.

    I would like to be a doctor someday as well, I'm smart enough but theres no way I'm going into medicine if this gets passed. Money is one of the leading factors of why people go into medicine (second only to being able to save peoples lives and making a difference) The amount of doctors will decrease over the next few years if this is to happen which will cause a higher demand for doctors, because more people will need doctors to satisfy their healthcare coverage. This will cause a stalemate in the already losing battle our economy is fighting.

    So if anyone actually reads this far, why are politicians so stupid?
    Can someone explain whats going through the minds of democratic senators in health reform?
    The facts are what goes through their heads.

    FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [a]

    FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [b]

    FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [c]

    FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [d]

    FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [e]

    FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies screwing the American people [f]

    FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and in Switzerland [g]

    If anyone can prove the facts above are wrong, e-mail me and let me know.
    Can someone explain whats going through the minds of democratic senators in health reform?
    You have several errors and misunderstandings stated as facts here. It would take an hour to straighten out your misstatements. So, I won't try to refute it all.

    What I will say is this, your family is exactly the kind of family that the Health care Reform act is supposed to help. Your father should not have to work himself into ill health without any promise that he will ever have enough money to retire before he himself becomes a health statistic.

    President Obama was elected on the promise that he would successfully complete health care reform. This was part of his platform from the primaries forward. I do not recall him promising not to tax anybody to pay for it. The intention was always to tax the rich, and to require everyone to have some kind of coverage or pay for the privilege of not having it.

    Considering your family situation, I simply can not understand why you would defend the status quo. Don't you see that it's threatening to tear your family apart?
    They have placed the Dem agenda before the needs of our country and its taxpayers. They have committed most Americans to lower living standards for many years to come. They have sold this country down the river for a pittance. They will all pay eventually.
    because they think they know what's best for soceity

    when they don't . politicans are like rats they freed off of sewer water