Saturday, June 4, 2011

Global Warming-Argumentative Essay?

I have to write argumentative essay and i choose global warming as a topic could u take a look at it(its not done i am having difficulties with it) maybe some idea anything that could help me to finish write this

Thesis: Contrary to what some believe, global warming does indeed exist.

I. Global Warming is a fraud.

A. Cycles of weather changed, changing and will change

B. Natural occurrences

II. Global warming exists

A. Raised in temperature

B, Melting icecaps

Since global warming appeared during the last decade as a serious environmental issue, it has been the subject of a lot of debate. Global warming is defined as the warming of the earth by greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. But there are many questions about global warming, from its causes to its effects.

Many people even question whether or not global warming exists. And if global warming does exist, people question why it exists. Well, there are two different viewpoints. The believers in global warming think that the increased temperature proves that global warming exists, and that it%26#039;s a significant problem that should not be taken lightly. Skeptics of global warming believe that the increased temperature is a natural phenomenon, and that if global warming does exist, it%26#039;s not something to be worried about. There are many arguments for and against the existence of global warming, but contrary to what some believe, global warming does indeed exist and there is a valid scientific data to prove that.


Skeptics say that any temperature changes the Earth is experiencing are cyclical and a natural event. Climate has always changed due to natural cycles without any help from people. (i need to write here more)

Believers say that if global warming would be natural climate change, the change would not be happening as it is happening currently, and they are right. A temperature rise as fast as the one we have seen over the last thirty years has never happened before. During the past 10,000 years the earth has been in an |||Simple: Make a list of the crazy theories why it%26#039;s all a con (you%26#039;ll find them in blogs, non-scientific, independent websites and you can even collect the ones that will appear above and below this post!)

Then list all the universities, world governments, highy respected scientists (basically the whole world) who know it is happening.

Say %26quot;Is it really believable that there is a very simple answer (like sunspots, natural cycles, little green men, etc) that EVERY climate change scientist has mysteriously missed? Of course not!

Then include a quote from this very latest, bang-up to date research that states:

%26quot;Now, a newly updated data-set of land surface temperatures and simulations from four new climate models show that temperature rises in both polar regions are not consistent with natural climate variability alone and are directly attributable to human influence.%26quot;鈥?/a>

Job done!

|||Sandra, you said: %26#039;Thesis: Contrary to what some believe, global warming does indeed exist.%26#039; If that is what you%26#039;re going on, then there is abundant (mis)information to back it up. You won%26#039;t have any problem finding some of it.

Now, you mentioned that temperatures have climbed rapidly over the past thirty years, outpacing anything that%26#039;s happened before. In fact, the past century has seen an increase of .6 of one celsius degree, and most of that happened within the first fifty years. Since 1998 the warming trend has stopped, and it%26#039;s very possible that we%26#039;re now in a global cooling trend. Certainly there is no further warming.

I know that NASA and the IPCC have published information stating otherwise, but that is their agenda so it%26#039;s what they%26#039;re going to do. Look further and probe a little deeper than those sources and you may be inclined to change the direction of your thesis.|||Try this link and the ones below because humans contribute less than 1% of all gasses contribution to the poorly misunderstood green house effect.鈥?/a>

When their predictions of a new ice age proved false back in the 70s they shifted from disastrous cooling caused from excess Co2 to excessive warming caused by Co2. Then things leveled off and started cooling after 2000 and the failure to make the expected profits off of Y2k so they played it safe this time by saying Co2 causes disastrous climate change. This way no matter which way the climate shifts they feel they can still make a sizable profit off of it. There is nothing humans can do with our current level of technology to alter the world鈥檚 climate. We are unable to make any major adjustment either hotter or colder at this time despite the claims of godlike powers by the believers. Knowing the history of the world reasonably well helps a lot to see the outright lies the promoters of AGW continually make.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

First lie.

In the last 50, 100 or 150 years temperatures have risen faster and higher than any time in history.

Truth is, in every previously recorded climate optimum period it has gotten hotter faster than it has currently. In fact the year 1400 warming went from the bottom of the wolf minimum to a peak 3c hotter than our current maximum and down to the bottom of the Sporer minimum the coldest part of the little ice age in about 100 years. Also the current climate optimum is the coldest ever recorded and is as cold as at least one historical climate minimum the Oort the came in the early part of the MWP.

Second lie.

It has never been this hot in all of history.

Truth is that at least 3 times in the last 1,000 years it has exceeded our current temperature by up to 5c, once for several hundred years.

Third lie

The Arctic Ocean has never been this ice free in history.

Truth is that during the Holocene, Roman and Medieval periods the Arctic Ocean was navigable most of the year most of the time. It was even more navigable during WWII than it is currently.

So it is not very difficult for anyone with a decent basic education to put the lie to any point the AGW crowd use to sell their pogrom to the less well educated.

The real problem here is believers cherry pick the evidence they want made public while skeptics feel that the general public should be allowed to learn the full truth about climate variations. Believers on the other hand only want the public to know about selected items that can be spun to favor their political pogrom.

Interesting point here is that skeptics provide evidence and discuss it as to its relevance while the faithful believers make smart guy remarks and try to trash those who take what they see as heretical positions. How long before the faithful drag out the stretching racks dipping chairs and guillotines to bring the heretics into line with the consensus doctrines?

Preference/Favorite/Choice List in Excel?

I%26#039;m trying to create a list of preferred universities in Excel. I%26#039;ve got different columns with all sorts of info like Avg GMAT score, Application Date, etc.

I also want to have a column where I can %26quot;rank%26quot; or assign a %26quot;preference%26quot; as well. i.e. each university has its own unique ranking number assigned by me.

It%26#039;s sort of a %26quot;this is my 1st choice, 2nd choice, etc etc.%26quot; thing.

For example, when I change the ranking for %26quot;NYU%26quot; from %26quot;2%26quot; to %26quot;1%26quot;, it does so while changing the changing the ranking of whatever university was %26quot;1%26quot; to %26quot;2%26quot;.

I can later apply a filter and have them ranked in ascending or descending order. But I can%26#039;t seem to figure out the first part. Any solutions?|||the difficulty with what you are trying to do is...

you are manually entering data into the very cells that you want to automate.

you are looking for vba script that will read the last cell that you entered, look for a duplicate, and make the change.

a different way to do this would be to use conditional formatting to look for duplicates. so when you input you rank, the duplicate rank will automatically highlight., and you can adjust accordingly. the pain would be if UCLA dropped from 2 to 15, then you would have to use the paste special...(subtract 1) button to change the ranks in between.

you dont mention this, but another idea would be to give important columns a score or weghting of importance. then have a total column to add all the scores together, and you can use the =rank() function to automatically adjust the sortable top 10 list.

hope someone has a better solution. good luck.

I need help! I must get this essay down 200 words! It has 1005 and must have less than 750! Idk where 2 cut?

This review is simulation 16.2h in OWLS and a review of how the simulation works when you change variables. It is also what I found in the simulation to be positives and what I would to be its downfalls.

I wanted to see how the number of molecules of reactants and product changes with time. I set the volume to maximum, temperature to high, the equilibrium constant K=1, and the number of spheres 30.In the beginning the reaction started with 30,blue spheres after pressing play the blue molecules began decreasing and the red began increasing. They reached a median where the numbers of red and blue molecules stayed between 10-16 molecules each. No one color is usually more that 1 more than the other.

The relative value of K made a huge difference in the reaction. In my first reaction K was equal to 1. In the beginning the reaction started out with 30 blue spheres, after pressing play the blue molecules began decreasing and the red began increasing. They reach a median where the numbers of red and blue molecules stayed between 10-16 molecules each. No one color was usually more that 1 more than the other. When I reset the reaction to K %26gt; 1 and pressed play the concentration of each color started out like the first reaction, but the number of red molecules never got above 10 and the number of blue molecules never got below 20. The different values of K show a great or lesser span in number of molecules of each. In other word a larger K leads to more blue spheres, a smaller K leads to more red spheres, and when K= 1 the concentrations were close to equal.

To figure out when equilibrium is reached concentration of both the red and blue molecules become equal. When K=1 the reaction goes to equilibrium very fast yet if you change temperature from high to low the reaction will take longer to reach equilibrium.

In this simulation I didn鈥檛 see that molecules of the product and reactant stopped reacting. In equilibrium neither forward or reverse reaction ever stops. After the reaction reached equilibrium it restarted, but still stayed within 1-2 numbers of equilibrium concentration.

Each change in the simulation: volume, concentration, and temperature all have an effect on the results of the simulation. If you start the temperature on high at K %26gt;1, maximum volume, and a concentration of 30 molecules you find that to concentration of blue molecules quickly decrease and the molecules of red quickly increase after pressing start. Now if I change the temperature to low under the same conditions it takes the concentration of blue molecules longer to decrease and the concentration of red molecules longer to increase. This is based on simple kinetics, increasing the temperature increases speed of reaction and speeds up the reaction reaching equilibrium and reverse for low temps.

When changing the volume, the concentration should change, but in the simulation it doesn鈥檛. The larger volume does speed up the reaction, but not enough to say there is a change. The changed volume shouldn鈥檛 change the ratio of products:reactants.

The change in concentration does affect the rate of reaction, at large volume and large concentration the reaction will reach equilibrium quickly. At lower concentration and lower volume it will take longer for the reaction to reach equilibrium, but it will happen. The concentration does not affect the value of K only a catalyst can do that in all cases.

The change of K greatly affects the equilibrium of the reaction, but only in rate and only when a catalyst is present. Changing the K can either speed up or slow down the rate of reaction. K is the equilibrium CONSTSNT so this will not change the number of molecules at equilibrium, only how fast it get there.

Temperature and volume make huge differences in the value of K. When playing with the simulation I set the variable to K%26gt;1 with high volume and temperature. I found there to be a fast drop when the reaction starts and reached equilibrium fairly quickly. When I change the volume and temperature to low the reaction didn鈥檛 come to equilibrium as fast and wouldn鈥檛 stay in equilibrium long. In this reaction I did see noticeable differences in K value by changing the volume and temperature. Next I set K%26lt;1 and saw how it reacted to volume and temperature change. When the volume and temperature was high there were a fast decrease in blue molecules and a fast increase in red molecules, the red molecules stayed between 20-25 and the blue molecules stayed between 6-11 for a long time. The reaction took more time to reach equilibrium. When I have low volume and temperature the reaction reached equilibrium fairly fast and when it was not at equilibrium the red and blue molecules were never greater than 2 of the other, and then it would quickly go back to equilibrium. In this reaction I also found that there was apparent

changes in the value of K.

I believe this simulation helps students with the Le Chatelier%26#039;s principles. In class we are told h|||For your intro, introduce the topic and make sure you draw the audience in. For the body speak on three important topics that re-late to each-other. for your outro just put in conclusion.. relate it to a life experience or express what you%26#039;ve learned about the topic.

Help Me! What should I call it? No one is answering.?

I want to change the change the name of my account, but I do not want to use my real name.

Do you have any cool idea%26#039;s for an account name?|||what do you like the most? cartoons, characters, clothes, animals, yourself something you really really love.|||pick something you like. for example my name is flipflopchick because i always wear flipflops.. or choose your fav movie star or something you enjoy doing. how about glamour girl?|||what the hell is your name?

try: whatever?|||Ms.X|||ur fav food

My first rap attempt, plz comment ?

I had a dream, that everything wasnt the way it seemed, my vision was clearer and i knew what i wanted to be. I was not dependent on someone or anything. Dreams were doable and in my life i was just a king. But now i had to wake up and face up everything, with sword in a hand and stick in the other, with lie on the tongue and in my mind just another, i never wanted that i wanna relax. I neve wanted that i wanna rest my back, before i collapse before i burst before i shatter. My sisters and my brothers, my fathers and my mothers, look around and take a look. That was not written in any book. Alcoholic drunks and drug addict junks, sex offenders and child abusers, kids in 8th 9th and 10th grade learning the business as if they are making a trade, gettin sold on by their mates, no family no friends cant afford gettin this or that, cant afford buying a nice pants or a black. No other way but the deadly highway. No other way but the going only no return back. Presidents are changing but their skins are, there is no change the change the change is still way too far, media making our minds making us blind. Lets sleep again lets sleep, good dreams or nightmare its no difference lets just sleep.|||You have the right idea...but you need to write it in a better format, more like a rap and not like essay, know what im sayin?

but overral, you got the right idea and are on the right track..stick to the real issues like this and not on money and ****, thats whats gunna make you stand out.

also, since you got the basics down, try changin up the words, get a better vocab, it will improve your work alot.|||talked about a million times|||what?

it seems pretty harsh...................................鈥?br>

like i dont know i would need to hear someone actually singing it or something...|||that%26#039;s a hit. spin it on a tight beat %26amp; you%26#039;ll be commin correct. job well done. 2 thumbs up. keep up the good work.|||try recording and editing it in a beat cuz right now im not sure about the beat, flow or the voice but lyrics seem nicew though... so u should write but with a beat and flow and something good with your voice

Anyone who has done any one of the following?





If you%26#039;ve done any of these could you tell me the impressions of how the change the change has altered your outlook of life. Tell me what you did, the reason you did it, and all the effects it had on your life. (it%26#039;s sort of an interview)|||I quit smoking 91/2 yrs ago. I went cold turkey and never looked back. The first two weeks were the hardest. I had already mentally quit. I had bought a new car and had decided I would not smoke in my new car. A few small changes like that helped.

I also started hearing about people I knew or friends knew finding out they had cancer. I guess it got me thinking about my own health and how I didn%26#039;t want to end up dying of cancer or carrying around a tank of oxygen.

It was June 7,1997. A gorgeous, hot day. I was siting out side tanning (another bad habit I have since given up) . I turned to my friend and said,as I was putting out a cigarette,This is going to be my last cigarette.%26quot; and that was it.

Weight-loss: About the same time I decided to seriously kick working out up a notch or two. It was summer and I love roller blading so I started with that. I could put miles in and feel like I worked my whole body out. I cross trained with biking and running.

I decided to do my own version of the no/low carb craze. I cut out bread, rice , pasta and potatoes to start. This made a significant my diet since those four had become regular staples.

Again the first two weeks were tough but I can honestly say I never felt better. I purchased The South Beach Diet book and read it cover to cover twice. It explained what happens inside your body when you eat. It made sense. I now understood why I ate and craved the things I did. After learning about body chemistry I could make sensible educated choices about what to eat.I lost about 35 lbs. I went from a size 14/16 to an 7/8.

I had been a runner is high school and use to love to compete. I occasionally will run races now so I have a goal to train for. I hope to compete in a tri-athalon this year.

I had a gym membership forever and a day. I never got into the aerobics and stepping classes. The weather was starting to change so I figured I would start gong to the gym again. On of the trainers encouraged me to try a boot camp style class. I loved it!!! I found muscles I never knew exsisted. I became a regular 2-3 times a week at a Power Flex class.

The best way to train is strength training such as one of the above classes or weight lifting/circuits alternated by aerobic training such as running/biking/roller blading/eliptical/brisk walking/swimming etc...........

Give your body one day of rest or stretching only on this day.

Don%26#039;t forget to drink a lot of water (during this time period I also quit drinking pop)

If you are looking to make some life style changes what worked for me was an attitude of no excuses.

The reason I did all of this is I just didn%26#039;t like my life at the time. I wasn%26#039;t unhappy. I just wasn%26#039;t really happy.

By taking care of the physical I discovered it took care of the mental. My out look improved in all areas:work, family,friendships and of course romance. I felt more confident and excited to reach new goals.

I also met and married someone who has similar feelings about diet and excersise. We have enjoyed working out together and cooking healthy meals.

I would strongly urge anyone to start to make healthier changes in food choice and start excersising. Do it for yourself and your health. You will be glad you did. Small changes will lead to big differences over time!!!!!|||I lost a lot of weight. About 60 pounds. I felt really great afterwards. It was a sense of accomplishment and I liked the way I felt. It became fun to shop for clothes and go places. I did it because I was disgusted with the way I looked and felt and also knew that it was not healthy being that overweight.

I also quit smoking a few years ago. I had smoked for many years and tried to quit a few times, but it would only last a short time. I finally decided to get braces on my teeth and that when the braces were put on, that would be the end of my smoking. I figured that by the time the braces came off, I would have really kicked the smoking habit and it worked.|||The summer my Dad got diagnosed with terminal cancer, I went home to be with him.I%26#039;d been overweight,a smoker, and on-and-off anti-depressants.I was 23. Dad passed away at the end of the summer,and my self-destructive behaviour kind of peaked, I was drinking way too much, and things were just not good. A month after he died, I made the decision to change my lifestyle, and quit smoking. To fight the weight gain I%26#039;d heard goes along with quitting, I got an exercise bike and started taking care of my body (cutting back on drinking and bad food) Within three months I was in great shape and feeling more positive. I went off anti-depressants and kept exercising, and things have been good ever since,I%26#039;m 30 now. It%26#039;s not like I%26#039;m happy 100% of the time,but I don%26#039;t get anxiety attacks anymore,and I%26#039;m generally more energetic and a lot more positive than I was before. I also have better self-esteem. I don%26#039;t think I would%26#039;ve achieved the personal goals I have if I was still living an unhealthy lifestyle.|||Well I fall in the group of losing a substantial amount of weight.

I lost 125 pounds in 8 months (basically it was half of me - from a size 24 to a size 6/8). As one can imagine the changes were a lot - people actually didn%26#039;t know who I was (still don%26#039;t if they haven%26#039;t seen me since then which was 3 years ago now). But I basically did the majority of it over the winter months when people are indoors and I really never saw my neighbours that much - come spring - I was quite different.

Clothing, feeling better about ones self and I am much healthier now then I was with the weight on - those are the changes that are good. And oh.... people saying I look like I%26#039;m in my late 30%26#039;s when I%26#039;m actually over 50 doesn%26#039;t hurt either lol

Now, something that I guess I shouldn%26#039;t be surprised by - but it just says something is......... when I was heavy most men would you know walk thru a door ahead of me and not stay to hold it open or whatever (just an example). But since I lost the weight sometimes its almost like door open, they hit on me, ask for phone number etc etc etc........ I%26#039;m the same person on the inside - same personality - same likes and dislikes - same humour

its just the package that is different.

The way a woman looks in this world holds more importance sometimes then the kind of person they are and the pressures so many seem to be under to live up to what they should *look* like have many young ones hurting themselves medically.

I%26#039;ve been on both ends of the scale and people do treat you a lot by the way you look.

Would I gain it back? No, medically I%26#039;m healthier inside at a lower weight. But that also doesn%26#039;t mean a person that is heavier is any less of a person (and yes some are treated that way).|||I went off drugs. I was a drug addict from the doctors think 9-23 years old. I knew I had to get off drugs. I saw addicts just not live very long and I didn%26#039;t want that to be me. I went off cold turkey--not a real fun way, but a way. Afterward, I was put in a mental hospital for 30 days of observation. Then came the really hard part, I could not live where I lived before, I could not associate with the people I had before, I could not in any way, shape, or form be like that person I was only a short time ago. For the first 15 years after the addiction I had flashbacks. These were past memories of what I experienced-they could be good, but most often were not. Now, I cannot imagine ever being like that, always running from the law, into things that no one should have to be (prostitution). I married, had children and had a job for a long time.

Everyone is losing jobs left and right. people are starving. families are being evicted. the people of this?

once great nation are resorting to crime to solve their problems. obama said there would be change. the change never came. only more crime came. this country needs a superhero. what do you guys think? who should it be? the crime needs to stop. i wont stand by while my city sinks deeper.|||You should do just that!|||While your city sinks just remember it was little georgie bush sitting in the white house when it started to sink.

Cleaning up the toxic mess little george left behind is going to not only going to be expensive, it is going to be time consuming as well.|||Out of the darkness comes the Knight. LOL!|||The man who can pull bottles of liquor out of his backpack and packs of cigarettes out of his pockets.

The man would be my hero.|||Things are not as bad as the left want you to think. It%26#039;s all contrived to accomplish global socialization.|||i sometimes dress up to go out and fight crime...but I lack a secret vehicle like the batmobile.|||8% jobless rate that leaves 92% still employed. Hardly left and right. Foreclosed homes don%26#039;t actually mean that the people living in them are being tossed out. In some cases it takes a long time for them to actually vacate the premises. People have been starving in this country for decades. Where was the crying for them then?|||I think it%26#039;s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

And the only superhero out there that can fix and help everyone is God. When we need him as always, he will be there.|||%26quot;the change never came%26quot; Obama just got there,and I see plenty change on the horizon.|||For you to think change should come in two months shows that you are a head case and by ur last statement I believe that you proved my point! Don%26#039;t let Bubba get ya while ur in Jail!|||maybe i was sleep walking and woke up in another country. what the hell it;s changed so much this past month i can;t realize who i am anymmore. I have people down the street saying they are having a hard time feeding their kids and the welfare line is so long they don;t know when they can get help. both lost their jobs from the plant closing. It;s bad people and no help in sight. but hey at least barry is having fun at his elaborate parties, guess that;s ok with you sheep that he is well with the world. oh he deserves it . whatever you say. baaa baa|||%26quot;The change never came%26quot; ??? Two months in office and %26quot;never%26quot; don%26#039;t compute. I think something else must be motivating you.|||Thank you Grave Gel, Ed J is a moron and it is people with mentalities like his that put Buckwheat in office and then when things don%26#039;t go the way they want them to they cry and whine, Help us , help us. Before long the whole country is going to sound like yje rats in New Orleans,help us help us. Please.|||He%26#039;s been in office a little over 60 days. Give him a week or so more.

Bush had 8 years to mess it up.|||There are actually only a few states that are as bad as that. Even then, with food stamps %26amp; food banks, people aren%26#039;t starving in America unless they are selling their food stamps to get drug money.

Really! I saw a news documentary on the %26quot;starving%26quot; in America. Only one of the spotlighted people weren%26#039;t obese!|||we already had one Charles Manson,take your meds|||You make a wonderful and true point with this great question. We have been a nation without *heroes* for a long time and it would be so great to have some terrrific person/persons to look up to. I must admit that I felt that spark with Sarah Palin and her *genuineness*. If you won%26#039;t let your city sink, organize or attend a *tea party*!|||Batman for president. Let%26#039;s not forget there is a congress that has more to say about our country than the president.

What can be improved with this poem?


So early now the change

The change from day to night

- Which has upset me -

Confused my sense of time .......

No shadows are there to be cast

In this frozen northern vast.

It is a mournful season

Seemingly without a reason

The grayness makes me sad

I long for company and passion.....

Some souls at times appear afflicted

In grip of mild depression

Silence still, a pensive mood

I am alome, begin to brood

Then suddenly a drunken roar

Obscene the language

The shouting harsh and course

A banging, shuffling , a shaking floor

When they were passing by my door

Then suddenly a blaring noise

So loud and clear next door

How do I hate those flimsy walls

Sometimes I wish ..........

I had no neighbours any more

%26quot;One hour of possible sunshine only%26quot;

The announcer said - with a cheerful voice

%26quot;Right now it%26#039;s thirty five below

With gusting winds and drifting snow%26quot;

%26quot;O - cut it out, shut up%26quot;..... I swear

%26quot;That phony cheerfulnes of yours%26quot;

Which lately I do hate to hear

A slamming sound, some muffled shouts

And shrieks of laughter uncontrolled

Were slowly fading .......outside......

Somehere in the arctic cold.

I put on my parka, go for a walk

Maybe the Inn - enjoy some drinks

Perhaps there are some girls.....

Or just listen.........

To someone else%26#039;s talk.|||So early now the change I see

From day to night, it follows me

It has upset my sense of time

Confused and lost and feeling blind

No shadows are there to be cast

Now, in this frozen northern vast.

It is a quiet and mournful season

So seemingly without a reason

The envelope of grayness makes me sad

The company and passion I wish I had

Some souls at times appear afflicted

The grip of mild depression shifted

Silence still, a pensive mood

I am alone, begin to brood

Then suddenly a drunken roar

As they were passing by my door

Obscene the language, with such a force

The shouting was so harsh and course

A banging, shuffling, a shaking floor

I dont know if I can take much more

Then suddenly a blaring noise

So loud and clear just like before

How I do hate those flimsy walls

Even in light, the darkness falls

I wish and pray the neighbors knew

Of all the terror they put me through

%26quot;One hour of possible sunshine today%26quot;

With a cheerful voice I heard him say

%26quot;Right now it%26#039;s thirty five below

With gusting winds and drifting snow%26quot;

%26quot;O - cut it out, shut up%26quot;..... I swear

That phony glee I hate to hear

A slamming sound, some muffled shouts

With shrieks of laughter all about

Souls slowly fading, or so we%26#039;re told

Somewhere out in the arctic cold.

Maybe the Inn - enjoy some drinks

There are some girls, perhaps I think.....

I put on my parka, go for a walk

Just wanting to listen to someone else talk

BTW... your poem is beautiful the way you wrote it also but you asked for opinions so I figured that I would give you mine! Hope that helps a bit!|||Thank you very much! I have been writing for about 15 yrs! :)

Report Abuse

|||its ur poem ....if u like it than it is good|||delete;s bad|||The meter is good, but poetry doesn%26#039;t need to rhyme. If you read all the great poetry, most of it doesn%26#039;t rhyme. The first part feels a little forced, the last stanza is very good and feels more like your %26quot;voice%26quot; coming out.|||If you are happy as it is then stay true to form and leave.

If you are compromising your writing in some way by trying to make corrections leave it be and let it be said the way you think it should.

I think it is fantastic. Well done.|||i don%26#039;t think it need any change|||It%26#039;s good. . .for the most part. I think the last 2 stanzas should be somewhere else, like I personally think that the last stanza should be switched with the next to last stanza, and that one should be after the 4th one or just keep it as the last one.|||Its good and descriptive. I would change the line, %26quot;the grayness makes me sad.%26quot; It sounds a little childish. I would try to find a better word. Otherwise, your word choice is really good. This poem shows a different lifestyle, and its very original! Good work!

My drafts disappear after I hit send and I want to keep them and I still have classic yahoo. Thanks?

I have 2 accounts....I have no trouble saving drafts, but on the above account everytime I make a change, the change becomes the new draft and the other one disappears and when I hit send, the draft dissappears and on my other account the draft is there as well as multiple drafts of the same email...what gives. Thanks|||In the upgraded classic mail the drafts do not stay once you send. But they are in your sent bin. Look at this link for more info and help:|||That%26#039;s because the good folks of Yahoo marketing thought it would be funny to rename %26#039;black%26#039; into %26#039;white%26#039; and see if people accept this change. (Yes I damn well hate it too!!!!)

The draft used to be just that: a draft. No more. Once you send your draft, it%26#039;s send. And consequently, in your send mail items. That is of course not a draft, but a parked mail.

Way around it: write your draft. Save it as a draft. When you want to send it, open the draft, copy the contents AND CLOSE IT. Then open a new message, paste the contents of your draft and send it.

After that, stick two needles in the voodoo doll to honor the guy how came up with the idea. And three in the doll of the guy who approved it.|||This is a new feature of Classic Mail. I hate this new feature.

16gb USB drive Does not want to work?

I have a DataTraveler 16gb USB Drive and now it doesn%26#039;t work, when I try and format it nothing happens and when I try and open it, it come up with this error Message (incorrect function). What can I do?

I have already tried to format it and that doesn%26#039;t work

I have change the changed the drive letter

I have tried it with 3 other computers.

What else Can I do?|||I%26#039;ve never seen the error message you%26#039;re coming up with. If the drive is being recognized when you plug it in, you could try going into Disk Management (right-click My Computer -%26gt; Manager -%26gt; Disk Management) and deleting the partition, create a new partition, and then formatting. Note all this can be done from within Disk Management. Also note you%26#039;re going to lose your data.

If that doesn%26#039;t work I%26#039;d say your USB drive has pooped out, and it%26#039;s time for it to be replaced.

How do you comment on vids on the new YOUTUBE?

okay, so youtube%26#039;s changed. the changes are good but i can%26#039;t comment.

does anyone know how? thanks! :)|||below the vid there is Statistics %26amp; Data..

below that thare is Video Responses..

below that there is text coment...just to the right hand side of this is post a text comment..|||Simple. Scroll down to the comments section (below the video), go ALL the way down to the comment box, type in your comment %26amp; click %26quot;submit%26quot; then you%26#039;re good to go.

On my yahoo account, how do i change the settings so that my last name doesn't appear on my emails?

i tried going to my account settings and changed it to just show the first initial atleast since it is a required field, but then when i saved the changes, the changes didn%26#039;t take place!! my whole last name was still showing!! :( help...|||鈥?/a>

In mail, go to options, then General Preferences.

How has the technology in figure skating changed in the last decade?

Are there any links i look at about the technology changes.

The changes like the rink, music, something like that because im clueless xD|||You should research if there have been any changes in the skates themselves. That%26#039;s really the only technology involved with figure skating.

There have, however, been major rule changes. The entire judging system has changed--in fact, technology plays a part because judges will watch slow-motion replays to see if the skater made the correct number of complete rotations in a jump. They did not do that 10 years ago, for sure. They%26#039;ve also changed rules about the music, about what%26#039;s allowed. I don%26#039;t recall that they used to allow vocal music for skating programs, but now some skaters have music with vocals.

How has the human hand changed throughout time (i.e through generations)?

What are some changes that occur to the human hand with time ( meaning after a few generations) eg. skin colour can change. The changes can be genetic.|||Changing through only a few generations, it would depend on the population you%26#039;re looking at. The human hand is pretty remarkable - part of what makes us human is our opposable thumb, and the way in which we can manipulate it. The only thing that has changed within a few generations is our usage of our hands, from tending the land to typing an answer on! The hand WOULD change, however, if in a small, isolated population, there were a mutation that spread through the generations. Even then, it could take as little as 100 generations before a population could change.

On a whole, the human hand probably wouldn%26#039;t change much at all, unless there is a mutation or a recessive allele (gene) such as polydactylism. (That%26#039;s where the hand or foot has more than the usual five fingers or toes.) Even then, the amount of penetrance (how MUCH of the finger or toe that would be present, i.e. the entire finger or just a stub) is different.

Asking how a hand has changed, via skin color, is like asking why the clouds rain some days don%26#039;t on others. It depends on what kind of clouds you have! Likewise, if you%26#039;re skin color is peach colored, your hand if going to be peach colored! Unless, of course, you have a skin disease that changes your skin color.

I hope this answers your question!|||I stop slapping human pests.....My skin color has changed One of my antcestors changed from dark to light now it is my turn....Ask Micheal Jackson he can explain it better.........Blessings Yahoo

Need for a change or Middle-Child Syndrom?

I had always heard about middle child syndrom, but never read into it extensively until a recent psychology course. I truly never have felt sincerely loved, and in the past seemed to rely on alcohol to come out %26quot;out of my shell.%26quot; I%26#039;m 22 and am now self aware of how unhealthy this is, but I also believe I need a change. My family is a wreck, i have no girlfriend, and have began hating the job that is getting me through college. I have 2 years left of school, and have every intention of leaving the state to escape this town that does not seem to have many positives. The only thing that really keeps me here are loyal friends, the two years left in school, and a fear of this kind of dramatic change. The change seems neccessary for self growth, but i think that many psychologists would see common characteristics of someone with middle child syndrom. What should I do?|||Middle child syndrome you may have. Let me point out some things that may help you. I%26#039;m a middle child as well and feel some impact from it. However, I have to make myself finish things and it may take me longer than others. It took me literally, over 20 years to finish college. I had 6 children, 1 when I was in junior high and another in high school. I went to college soon after high school only because I wanted to give my kids a good example. Right now my oldest child is 30 and the youngest one is 3. I lose interest in relationships easily, for different reasons. I always have a boyfriend, I tell my friends we need 10 boyfriends just to make 1 man (it%26#039;s a true joke, to me anyway :-)). Well anyway, I have a degree in psychology, sociology, nursing, science, mgmt. I have a cosmetology and real estate license due to me knowing how boring I get with jobs. I think people like us need to work for ourselves due to our often bordens. But then we have to come up with ways to fix them so we can succeed so this is why I ended up with different degrees but work for myself as a license general contractor. Sometimes we can%26#039;t help the way we feel but we can do our best to correct what affects us. I went into the army when I was 28 and retired and it was not easy for me because I got fed up with the BS. I also move far away from my family, they live in NC, NY, NJ (east coast) and I live in Texas. I do help them a lot but from afar. If you feel like moving, move, make that change, take that step. I had 4 kids when I moved and was 28. If you realize you made a mistake, move back. I like to be alone most of the time and consider myself a simi-loner only because I don%26#039;t like to be alone all the time. So you see we can compensate for the way we are even if we don%26#039;t change the way we are. Of course we can change the things we need to change cause God gave us the strong mind to do so. I want you to read some general characteristic of middle child syndrome. I hope this helps.....I can say I never fought for attention, I could care less if others got the attention and this could be secondary to abuse...again I hope this helps.

The middle or second born child or children often have the sense of not belonging. They fight to receive attention from parents and others because they feel many times they are being ignored or dubbed off as being the same as another sibling. Being in the middle a child can feel insecure. The middle child often lacks drive and looks for direction from the first born child. Sometimes a middle child feels out of place because they are not over achievers and like to go with the flow of things.

Being a middle child would mean they are loners. They really don鈥檛 like to latch on to a person in a relationship, there fore they have trouble keeping one due to lack of interest. Not liking to take the limelight for anything, they are not over achievers and just simply work enough work to get by, and typically that goes with school as well as a career. They are however very artistic and creative. If forced to use abilities they will work well, but do not work well under pressure. They often start several projects but rarely keep focused long enough to finish a project. The best career move for a middle child would be along the lines of using their creative. Going into a writing or journalism career, and into a career that they could freely express themselves would be good. Anything that would have hours that are flexible, and projects that frequently changed would be good for a middle born child. Since relationships are not of high importance to a middle child, often times they are alone. However, the best possible match for a middle child would be a last born.|||Skip being the %26quot;middle child syndrome%26quot; victim and finish school and leave town. Playing the victim and finding something to blame your troubles on will get you no where. Take positive action. Get exercise, improve you attitude, quit dwelling on the negative. Change is uncomfortable, but change is good.

Do you think it is right to have your b/f or g/f change?

Just looking for some insight, for the record I don%26#039;t have any problem with or relationship and would be willing to change. My g/f is having doubts about our relationship but she is trying to decide if she just wants someone else or if it%26#039;s right to have me change. She is thinking it shouldn%26#039;t be right to make me change. The changes aren%26#039;t real huge in away. She wants me to be more outgoing because I am a shy person and have been my whole life. Do you think I it is bad to have your b/f or g/f change?|||Do YOU want to be more outgoing?

Sometimes relationships help us change for the better. The problem comes in when your significant other is trying to control you by making you do something you don%26#039;t want to or stop something you want to continue to do.

My boyfriend is helping me become more confident. There%26#039;s nothing wrong with changes sometimes, as long as you want to change as well ... for YOURSELF!|||If she%26#039;s not happy being with you the way you are then i%26#039;d tell her where to go and how to get there. Be who you are, you don%26#039;t need to change for anyone.|||My ex was very insecure, and all the time would tell me he could change. He was also shy, and yes I wanted someone who wasn%26#039;t afraid to speak in public, but the thing is, he shouldn%26#039;t HAVE to change. And it angered me that he would over someone. Even if that someone was me.

If your girlfriend is having doubts about you, dump her.

Have some self-worth.|||Why can%26#039;t the bi*ch just love you for who you are? why she trying to change you?

do you really want some controlling women on your back? lol dump her and be the one who wins before she dumps you.|||if its not that big of a change i%26#039;d say yes if it is a huge change i%26#039;d say no|||If the changes are minor then I see it as pretty ok... not perfect, but just ok.

If you have been shy your whole life, like I have, you would end up opening up to this girl, if you really liked her. Because you get close, you%26#039;d be able to let your feelings out that bit more. If that isn%26#039;t good enough for her, then I think you have a problem.

reading back on that, it doesn%26#039;t look like much help... sorry :S|||it depends on what you want out of this relationship. do u see a possible future and if so, sometimes compromising on small issues is ok, but if they want to completely change u then i%26#039;d say move on. also, if the other person wants to change something about u then u should come up with something u want to change about her-all is fair.|||She shouldn%26#039;t change you. You have to be you and be ready to change naturually by yourself. If you change for someone - you will loose yourself in a maze of confusions and you mite resent her. She is being a little selfish about herself. She should have encouraged you to go out abit more by hanging out in places that you like and hang out with her in fav places where you are comfortable with too.|||She should like you for who you are, though she wanting you to be More out going isn%26#039;t being mean, unless you like being shy. She can help by making you feel comfortable doing silly things, and being out going with you. She cant just expect you to change over night. If you like being shy then tell her she needs to find someone else, but if you want to break out of your shell see if you cant get her to teach you

Do Obama's supporters even know what change is?;_ylt=AmijYGWeNdn2mqraRgZH6MnY7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20090405103439AA3FfMc

Just read that question.... %26quot;why are republican against change%26quot; - WHAT CHANGE? The change that is at a cost of ALL of our freedoms, democrat AND republican?

A one world monetary system is really fighting for our country isn%26#039;t it? thats the change you want?|||Here%26#039;s the thing...if any of us were expecting astounding intelligence and foresight to come from a devout Obamabot, we will be and will continue to be disappointed. Did you notice someone answered that last question by attributing OBAMA%26#039;S debt squarely on Bush and Republicans? If someone is so devoid of basic logic and common sense that they blame actions CLEARLY TAKEN by one person on the opposition--it%26#039;s safe to say we are not dealing with superior intelligence. The harsh reality is...this is why these same people clamor for the die-hard liberals. It%26#039;s not what they necessarily believe in--it%26#039;s just they know that someone will have to tend to their every lazy need some day if not SOON, and that would be the Dems. All logic and common sense goes out the window in light of dependence. Sure wish they could see the shackles they just put on themselves.|||No, they thought Obama was going to pay their mortgage and give them %26quot;free%26quot; health care. Nothing is free, someone is always footing the bill.|||OBAMA is the wrong kind of change. Anti American.|||No they don%26#039;t and neither do conservatives. They are both so busy trying to make their points and prove themselves right that they forget to listen and do the things that will help. To both groups it%26#039;s more important to be right and to hell with actually helping. Why do we keep electing these morons into office.|||...europien duing just fine and is curency of all europe...|||Interest rates are down.

Consumer confidence is up.

Home sales are up.

Housing starts are up.

The market was up for March, the strongest March since 2000 (before Bush).

I got a job.

Not THAT%26#039;s change I can believe in.|||No,and neither does Obama. It is just a word that has been kicked around.|||Obama does not even represent change at all. He represents the status quo, just like McCain and Hillary did.|||I disagree with your interpretation. I approve of what Obama%26#039;s administration is doing.|||No

Change is a loaded word. Change can be Good, Bad or Indiferent.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.

The German people wanted Change and they got Adolph Hitler.

The American people wanted Change and they got Comrade Obama.

May God protect the American People and the Free World from the Democrat Party and Barack Hussein Obama.|||The problem is that they don%26#039;t know about change they didn%26#039;t bother to ask what kind of change they just followed blindly without asking they were led either by racism or an incredibly bias media or their media manufactured hatred for Bush and Republicans they were brainwashed for the last 8 years to believe that Bush was evil and a horrible President while things were quite the opposite they just followed obama like sheep to the slaughter and many of them will continue to follow as long as their ignorance persist all they did was chant hope and change over and over without any explanation of what change really meant so far it has been change for the worse and as long as he has the majority to pass anything he wants they will continue to unravel our country and our constitution fortunately the tide is changing for the better the liberals numbers are slipping quickly even their messiah himself numbers are dropping very fast hopefully when 2010 gets here the number liberals in congress and the senate will decrease and they will lose their huge majority this will take away alot of obama%26#039;s power and start to limit his radical agenda until we can get him out of there in 2012|||Change is reversing the right wing policies that have concentrated more and more wealth into the hands of the super rich ant the expense of the middle class, the poor, and the economy as a whole. Change is saying hat America is too great a country for its citizens to be denied health care simply because they don%26#039;t have sufficient income.

By the way, if Obama has ever called for a %26quot;one world monetary system,%26quot; can you please provide he link?

EDIT: Still waiting for that link where Obama promotes the idea of this %26quot;one world monetary system.%26quot; Much as I suspected. You have nothng.|||Does the person have any ways of being know how does God give anything then the person himself/herself anything ?

Help writing a 1 page poam about somwthing change?

Can anyone help me please i am in desperate need!!! i need to write a one page poem about the concept of change. the change can be embedded in the poem. An example our teacher gave the class was a woman who is re-living her childhood swinging off the clother line. in the last paragraph the poem then goes to the present where the women is affected by age and she shows who eveything around her has also aged (the clothesline etc.). the change that occurs here is age. i really need help thinking of some idea. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!|||Barack Obama!

Change BMW 3 E46 engine from 3.0L to 1997 5 series 2.5L engine?

Recently my BMW head gasket got burnt and it affected other parts of the engine like the piston and the cam shaft. At 160K+ miles, I thought it%26#039;d be a good idea to change the change. I was offered a 5 series engine by my mech. I%26#039;m wondering one or two things that may not make it work out. Can any offer advise please. I think the ECU for the 5 series will be different from mine and I also think the engine mount and things like pumps etc will not be the same.

Thanks for taking time to read.|||sorry to say while transplants like that can be done...the cost estamate and ease of work is ALWAYS underestamated...always....costs run 2 x,,,3x what you think and a month later you may be working out the bugs...|||Yeah, this definitely isn%26#039;t a good idea unless your mechanic is extremely skilled and wants to install it for free.|||Couple of basic issues. If you are in a U.S. state with an emissions test regime, you may not be able to pass the inspection with an older engine (E46 was 1999 and later). Also, you probably have a double VANOS M54 engine (dual variable valve timing), and the older engine is probably a single VANOS (intake timing only) version. Mileage will suffer. I can%26#039;t recall, but suspect the engine you%26#039;re being offered is an M52.

In the U.S., the engine I find listed for a 1997 car is the M52B25 (2.5 liter) in the 523i car, and the M52B28 (2.8 liter) in the 525i car.

I%26#039;d hesitate over an engine change to an older engine. Ideally, you might find an engine from your year, at a specialty dismantler. I know there is such a dismantler in Rancho Cordova, California, and that they ship. Other regions probably have similar options.

Good luck.

Java coin change help?!?

Create a Change application that prompts the user for an amount less than $1.00 and then displays the minimum number of coins necessary to make the change. The change can be made up of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

I can%26#039;t find the right codes for this.|||======================


public class Cashier {

private double amountDue;

private double received;

private double change;

private int temp;

public Cashier() {


public void setAmountDue(double pAmountDue) {

amountDue = pAmountDue;



public void receive(double pReceived) {

received = pReceived;



public double calculateChange() {

change = received - amountDue;

//System.out.println(%26quot;Change----: %26quot; + change);

return change;


public int returnDollars() {

temp = (int) change / 1;

/*for (int i = 0; i %26lt; temp; ++i) {

change = change - 1;


change = change % 1;

return (int) temp;


public int returnFiftyCents() {

temp = (int) (change / 0.5);

/*for (int i = 0; i %26lt; temp; ++i) {

change = change - 0.5;


change = change % 0.5;

return temp;


public int returnTwentyCents() {

temp = (int) (change / 0.2);

/*for (int i = 0; i %26lt; temp; ++i) {

change = change - 0.2;


change = change % 0.2;

return temp;


public int returnTenCents() {

temp = (int) (change / 0.1);

/*for (int i = 0; i %26lt; temp; ++i) {

change = change - 0.1;


change = change % 0.1;

return temp;


public int returnFiveCents() {

temp = (int) (change / 0.05);

for (int i = 0; i %26lt; temp; ++i) {

change = change - 0.05;


//System.out.println(%26quot;Change: %26quot; + change);

return temp;


public int returnOneCents() {

temp = (int) (change / 0.01);

for (int i = 0; i %26lt; temp; ++i) {

change = change - 0.01;


//System.out.println(%26quot;Change: %26quot; + change);

return temp;





import java.util.*;

public class CashierTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

Cashier harry = new Cashier();

System.out.print(%26quot;Enter amount due : %26quot;);

harry.setAmountDue(sc.nextDouble()); // read value from console instead

System.out.print(%26quot;Enter amount received : %26quot;);

harry.receive(sc.nextDouble()); // read value from console instead

int dollars = harry.returnDollars();

int fiftyCents = harry.returnFiftyCents(); // returns 1

int twentyCents = harry.returnTwentyCents(); // returns 0

int tenCents = harry.returnTenCents(); // returns 1

int fiveCents = harry.returnFiveCents(); // returns 0

int oneCents = harry.returnOneCents(); // returns 3

//System.out.println(fityCents + %26quot; %26quot; + twentyCents + %26quot; %26quot; + tenCents + %26quot; %26quot; + fiveCents + %26quot; %26quot; + oneCents);

System.out.println(%26quot;Change to return: %26quot;);

System.out.println(%26quot;Num ( $1 ) = %26quot; + dollars);

System.out.println(%26quot;Num ( $0.50 ) = %26quot; + fiftyCents);

System.out.println(%26quot;Num ( $0.20 ) = %26quot; + twentyCents);

System.out.println(%26quot;Num ( $0.10 ) = %26quot; + tenCents);

System.out.println(%26quot;Num ( $0.05 ) = %26quot; + fiveCents);

System.out.println(%26quot;Num ( $0.01 ) = %26quot; + oneCents);



Does this sound like every Barack speech?

We are going to change the way Washington changes change. Bush is bad. Changing change will give the opportunity to change. Bush is bad. I will change the way I work to change the ever changing world. Bush is bad. If I am elected I promise to change the changing economy so that it changes. Bush is bad. Change, change, changity change change.|||Wow! you really are like Obama. Are you his speech writer? Were you a former jalopy saleman?|||I don%26#039;t think you have listened to a Complete Obama speech......

its much better than that dribble|||no|||No|||No||| not at all!|||Not sure--But can%26#039;t stand him--not that I%26#039;m that fond of Hillary---but I for sure don%26#039;t want Barack in office|||Nope! It just sounds like another closed minded individual who doesn%26#039;t want the change we need! If you actually cleaned your ears out and listened you would hear what he is for...|||Obama can better explain why Bush is bad that his own platform. I have noticed he is copying some of Hillary%26#039;s verbiage. What a con artist...|||Obama is running a campaign on %26quot;change%26quot; but never says a change to exactly what?

The man makes speeches that say nothing and yet bring people to tears.

That man makes me uneasy. With the people that follow him so willingly... sheep they truly are.|||Experience or GOOD judgment?

Hillary Voted for the war in Iraq and voted with bush on Iran but later said, %26quot;I voted for it but hoped it wouldnt pass%26quot;

Does Hillary%26#039;s Judgment concern anyone? Do she even realize how serious war is?


Just encase you were wondering ... This is Some of Obama%26#039;s experience

*Obama has been in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004 ( 7 years)

*He%26#039;s been in the U.S. Senate since November 2004 (3 1/2 years)

* Was A community organizer in chicago

* A professor at Harvard School of law

* A civil rights lawyer

*He was a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School

he co-sponsored bipartisan legislation for controlling conventional weapons and for promoting greater public accountability in the use of federal funds

he has sponsored legislation on lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel.

*death penalty reforms

* health care available for IL|||I think maybe all of you that have put ALL your trust in Obama are like sheep being led to slaughter!|||Sounds like a Hillary Speech, except %26quot;change%26quot; would be %26quot;experience%26quot;.

By the way, maybe you should research your information and not be so pompus about assuming what a candidate says. Yea, %26quot;Change%26quot; is the theme, because if we don%26#039;t we%26#039;ll end up collapsing on ourselves and you%26#039;ll be having a harder time than you do now.

I%26#039;m sure I%26#039;ll receive a thumbs down, but that%26#039;s only because the proud narrow-minded folk wouldn%26#039;t dare take the time to think objectively. Whatever.|||LOL, I was wondering that too. It does sound like his fairytale rhetoric. He can%26#039;t say anythig of substance because he can%26#039;t back it up.|||Sorry son but Obama is much more articulate than that. But thank you for presenting one obvious fact, Bush is bad and has been bad for this nation and this world as a whole. It helps us realize the need for someone like Obama. Once again, thank you very much.|||NOPE it sounds more like HILLARY just take out change an insert Experience.

What exactly is Obama's CHANGE?

Change change change change change change change.

That%26#039;s all we ever hear from Obama. We%26#039;re going to CHANGE Washington. America needs CHANGE. Vote for CHANGE. The CHANGE we need.

So far, Obama has shown support for a lot of Bush%26#039;s policies. Well? What exactly is supposed to change? What do Obama supporters expect? Change to WHAT?|||He means the 39 cents in his pocket.|||What changed, is who gets money from the same lobbyists.

Same policy, different party to split up the rewards. It is all they fight about in Washington - the rewards. Policy is a non issue.

Republicans knew where the socialization cash would go, they invested early and made millions. Now the democrats know where it will go, and they will invest early and make millions.

Us, the citizens, will be in the exact same position. More government power looking over our shoulders, more war, more debt, more laws, bigger government , bigger budget, less personal freedom %26amp; liberty.|||yes we can yes we can yes we forgot that part....there is no change...there will not be a dime left of the 850 million that he wants...did you think there would be|||Every time someone tries to pin him down on policy he changes.

Just like a chameleon.|||His CHANGE is what will be left from our paychecks

And America will need to change its shorts after shitting themselves for allowing it to happen.|||I think he just leared that there are real issues to deal with vs just talking.

Time will tell. But This guy does not have a clue.|||%26quot; CHANGE %26quot; =






E-lected|||He will change his address, his wife will change the decorations of the white house, and he is turning the white house into a home for his relatives, he will change our taxes by increasing them, he will change our current deficit to a record high with in his first 100 days, he will change a lot of his Obama bots minds when they finally open their eyes to see they will get nothing, he changed history bey being the first half white half black president and he will change history by being the first half white half black president to be impeached, and he will change our freedom.|||CHANGEs voters minds about there being any HOPE.|||The name of the President has changed. Or will, shortly.

Jeez, what do you want, SUBSTANCE? :)|||This is just something he said to trick the uneducated into voting for him. Nobody really knows what he meant by that.|||There are tons of answers here yet little substance. Wouldn%26#039;t it be easier to just set up a chat room and type four letter words all day?|||You will get your change in a few days when Dub ya get out.|||鈥?/a>|||Change.

The two cents I have left in my pocketbook after Robin Obamahood is finished pilfering and plundering.|||The only thing changed is his address!!!

Oh yeah.. and his mind on quite a few of his campaign promises... more to come.. stay tuned!

EXCELLENT ARTICLE CPR.. EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE THE TIME TO READ IT!|||Change for the worst?|||a change for the better ,bush is gone.|||Wow CPR...Thanks for the article. Very scary indeed. Thank goodness he was unable to hypnotize me, wish those that voted for him had been that lucky.|||What you will have left in your pocket after he screws you over|||Give me a list of Bushs policies that Obama supports, then give me a list of policies he is against...there is your answer honey.

I would do the research for you, but I think its time for you to read up.|||Change: to fix the economy, bring more jobs home, bring our troops home. Do you like speaking to a person in another country about your bank account, insurance, credit cards?|||Kick Bush%26#039;s a.s.s out of the white house is a very welcome CHANGE!!!|||What do you think, loser? He%26#039;s explained this in detail in every speech that he%26#039;s given. Have you been selectively ignoring ALL of this for the last few months? Geez!

Can I change the change the type of video to another type?

whoops, sorry, i made a mistake on typing the question. sorry ! ^^|||Try this, i use it myself!鈥?/a>

Good Luck!|||When you go to publish the movie, not save it, in windows movie maker make sure you select %26quot;Save this file for best viewing on the internet%26quot;

Should fix it.

The linear expansion coefficient of a solid?

I%26#039;ve wrongly put the category into mathematics room..

So, I would like to ask again..

Generally, the length of a solid bar changes according to temperature changes. The change of the length 螖l according to temperature is proportional to the change of temperature 螖T. In addition, it is proportional to the initial length of bar.

But, my questions are:

1) What is the case that the length change isn%26#039;t exactly proportional to the temperature change?

2) How to verify the coefficient of the volume expansion 尾鈮?伪?

3) How to check the quality of each sample bar from the measured linear expansion coefficient?

I%26#039;m having physics lab tomorrow and we%26#039;re supposed to hand in the answer sheet by tomorrow.

So, can anyone help me? Thank you so much..|||1. It isn%26#039;t exactly proportional, it is usually a very slightly curvy graph for any given material, since temperature is defined by fixing 0 degrees and 100 degrees and drawing an (artificial) straight line between them. This is one reason why good thermometers were once so hard to make. Nevertheless, to a good approximation it is linear.

2. It%26#039;s an approximation for most simple solid materials: three dimensions means roughly one third of the expansion (proportionally) goes in each direction. That%26#039;s all it means.

3. Comparing the theoretical expansion with the one observed could demonstrate the presence of impurities. The bigger the disparity the more impure.

How do I convince my dog its not my fault when its cold outside?

My dog doesn%26#039;t like to go outside to do his business when its cold outside, when I do force him outside, and after he comes back in the house he%26#039;s mad at me!

He blames me that its cold outside, he thinks I made it cold outside, but my dog is too dumb to know I can%26#039;t control the weather.

How can I teach my dog about the weather changes, the change of seasons?|||Try a doggie coat and go outside with him. Have some treats ready and praise him when he goes. He%26#039;s not %26quot;dumb%26quot;, he%26#039;s smart. Why would he want to go out in the cold when you don%26#039;t?|||No he doesn%26#039;t you are using what YOU think he is thinking, dogs are manipulative.|||talk to him in spanish|||take her out to dinner|||talk to him openly and explain the climatic warming etc....what do you expect me to answer you jerk!!!|||watch the weather channell with him|||You could talk to him like a child, this is such and such weather because this is such and such month, etc. Or you could just tell him sorry that it is cold, faster he does his business the faster he gets to come back into the warm house with you. :)|||I thinks its funny!! How cute! I know your not serious about actually teaching him the seasons. How would you like to get up in the morning 18 degrees outside, pull out your willy, barefooted and take a p i s s????? Think about it.....LOL!|||Uh...

You dont..

just deal with it. DOgs are stupid, they forget.||| are the boss not him, he doesnt need to be taught its cold, he needs to be taught that its time to go outside and thats it!!!!!!!!!!!|||No. Even if he understood he would still have to go outside and he would still hate it. How about giving him a treat when he comes in and petting him?|||Well, unless you are willing to let him poop in the house, you%26#039;re just gonna have to live with his unreasonable demands on you.

Don%26#039;t let him be the dominant force in the house.|||Wow.

I%26#039;m pretty sure your dog doesn%26#039;t blame you for it being cold. He%26#039;s a dog. He%26#039;s probably just pissed that your force him out there.

Give him a treat every time he comes in from going potty. That way he%26#039;ll have something to look forward to. Not to mention, thats a good way to stop them from going in the house.

But honestly, you can%26#039;t teach your dog how the seasons change, he%26#039;s not a toddler.|||Actually you are acting dumb for thinking that is what your dog is thinking. No offense. Dogs use sounds and gestures to demonstrate feelings. I%26#039;m sure he may of been telling you it is cold, but i doubt he was mad, I%26#039;m not sure they%26#039;re capable of accusation. He was probably saying %26quot;hey lazy ***, why don%26#039;t you get up and make me some F%26#039;n pancakes?%26quot;|||You can%26#039;t. When a doggie gotta doo, he gotta doo what he gotta doo! Hot or cold, snow or sun, it doesn%26#039;t matter what he gotta doo, he just has to do the doo when it%26#039;s time!|||Stand outside with him or watch the Weather Channel together..... I%26#039;m sure he%26#039;ll get it then!|||All animals know instinctively that weather changes. You need to teach yourself that your dog knows more about you than you know about him and that you need to go to a person trainer to learn how to train yourself to be a better dog owner.|||let him in.|||How do I convince you that you have no way of reading your dog%26#039;s mind so you really don%26#039;t know if he blames you for the cold weather or not?

Your problem is that you are treating the dog like he%26#039;s a human -- and assuming he thinks at least a little like you.

Please try to remember -- he is a *dog*.|||Put the dog in the house with you, or, sleep outside with him! Woof!|||maybe he%26#039;ll get it next year.|||give to him wood|||haha I can%26#039;t beat some funny answers on here.

The question is funny and some answers are funny.

made me laugh.

hell my dog dislikes it, but I go outside with my dog. It goes outside then.

Rain is a different problem.|||Why dun you potty-train him how to use the human toilet? Cats are able to do that already. Apparently you just have to buy this special toilet seat with a small hole.|||You need to establish who the pack leader is. It%26#039;s you!

You might go outside with him, a couple of times , to show solidarity. Beyond that he needs to know, your the boss, period.

At the end of the day, he will thank you for it. He will know his place in the pack, and rise to the occasion.

Good luck.|||Just try to reward him when he does do his business, no dog can be mad for long after they get a treat. and when he does get mad, he%26#039;ll get over it.|||As with employers when they say %26quot;I don%26#039;t make my employees do anything that I wouldn%26#039;t do%26quot;.

Heed this advice and go with your dog outside. Take a crap and let him know that you%26#039;re a fair and righteous dog owner. This will make him much happier and YOU%26#039;ll save on toilet paper.|||Dress him for the weather.

Sweaters, jackets, little foot coverings.

Even head wear.

If you get one, tell him how good

he looks. :-)

My Dog loves putting on his sweater.

They say putting Vaseline on the bottom

of their paws helps when it%26#039;s icy, and

or snowy.

Don%26#039;t forget to wipe it off before he

comes back inside the house.

I forgot, Treat him a yummy treat. :-P|||LOL that is funny - you should place this in jokes and riddles....

Maybe he is mad because you are taking him outside and not for the fact that it%26#039;s cold outside???|||If this is a small dog I have the answer. When you put your coat on and take the dog outside put a coat on it. My Chihuahua loves to go outside as long as it has it%26#039;s coat on.

I am unable to change the Desktop wallpaper.?

Hi folks,

I am facing three kind of problems in my computer:

1. I am not able to change the change the wallpaper. It is showing blank.Also the option in the display properties got disabled.

2. When I double click on the local drives except %26quot;c-drive%26quot; the %26quot;opens with%26quot; window is getting opened.

3. When I start my computer, the c://windows/system32 window is also getting opened.

Please help me to fix these bugs.

Thanks in advance.

Samson|||Your Computer is attacked by virus, First restore computer to a time when your computer was alright. Then install bitdefender antivirus total security 2008. Buy it for better perfomance and Regularly update. Your computer wont have any problem|||Are you willing to format your pc and star over again? This should solve the problem and you can back up your data before formatting. That is what I did.|||run a virus/spyware check. spyware probably deleted your option in your display properties. i had a problem like this where my wallpaper stayed %26quot;run a virus scan%26quot; and when i went to change, i noticed the wallpaper tab and screensaver were removed. id wait till someone answers with a more educated answer, so this is a bump! because my resolution was just recovering the system.

I have finally realized what "change and hope" means?

Change - The change that Obama is looking more like a republican on the issues

Hope - The hope that his supporters have that he is not serious|||And that of course leads to %26quot;shock and awe%26quot;.

Shock-That Obama isn%26#039;t sincere.

Awe-Awed that there isn%26#039;t any real choice between Obama and McCain.|||Yep, he%26#039;s a typical politician. He%26#039;s selling business as usual as change and hope.

Still, he%26#039;s a lot better than McCain.|||This is typical politics in campaign season. The candidates attempt to move toward the center to appeal to more people. Don%26#039;t be fooled by Barack Hussein Emptysuit. He was, is and always will be a radical left wing socialist.|||Obama is merely pandering....hes still a marxist. Lol I bet hes gonna say he shot a duck once so hes all for gun rights too.|||Yes, I agree.

%26quot;The positions being taken by Obama are not some clever vote-winning ploy. What you see is what you get. He is a thoroughly corrupt and reactionary politician, who has clawed his way up through the political cesspool known as the Chicago Democratic Party machine. He is prepared to do anything to succeed and whatever is required to uphold the interests of the ruling elite that both political parties serve.

For a layer of so-called lefts oriented to the Democratic Party, none of this will make a difference. They will only work harder at trying to convince people that Obama is merely being pressured from the right and can be pushed back by pressure from the left.

This standpoint is most clearly expressed by the Nation magazine, which recently commented on the controversy provoked by Obama’s selection of a right-wing economic advisor.

“Now Obama has stumbled into embarrassing questions about his commitment to that message of change,” it said in a June 19 editorial. “It wouldn’t be the first time a Democratic presidential candidate talked about sweeping change, won over the party faithful and ordinary voters, and then abandoned them to powerful interests. But we believe Obama is better than that...”

The Nation peddles the crassest illusions in Obama and through him, in the Democratic Party and the profit system it defends. But this task becomes more and more difficult as Obama moves sharply to the right, even while the deepening economic and social crisis are creating the conditions for a broad shift to the left among American youth, students and working people.%26quot;…

%26quot;Obama’s rapid evolution in the wake of the primaries demonstrates the politics of deception and manipulation of public opinion that his campaign has embodied from the outset. It has never represented an insurgency from below, but rather a bid by elements of the ruling elite to effect certain definite but limited changes in policy, while using Obama to supply a fresh face for American imperialism under conditions in which it is discredited at home and abroad.

The attempt to use the Obama campaign to delude broad layers of the population seeking change enjoys the active and crucial support of most of what passes for the American “left.” They seek to cover up or apologize for the right-wing trajectory of the Democrats. Some put forward the cynical argument that Obama is merely doing what it takes to get elected—the American people, they would argue, are backward and right-wing. Others maintain that he is reacting to pressure from the establishment and must be pushed back on course through pressure from the left.

Typical of this second school is the left liberal journalist Arianna Huffington, who posted on her web site advice to Obama, warning him that “tacking to the center is a losing strategy.”

Instead, she called upon him to “appeal to the 82 million people who did not vote in 2004.” She continued, “Isn’t galvanizing the electorate to demand fundamental change the raison d’être of the Obama campaign in the first place?”

In reality, Obama is now running on his real program, that of a corrupt and reactionary big business politician. He will leave it to figures like Huffington, the Nation, and others on the so-called left to continue promoting illusions in his candidacy, while he makes his pitch to his key constituencies, the financial aristocracy and the forces of the state.

The Democrats have no interest in coming into office with a mandate for “fundamental change,” because they have no desire or intention of carrying out such transformations. In fact, Obama’s latest campaign swing is aimed in no small part at creating a new and decidedly conservative base for politics that will in key respects represent continuity with those of the Bush administration.%26quot;…|||Change= taxes through the roof Hope= You have some money left out of your paycheck|||People like to complain about Obama%26#039;s plans for change. But no one can tell me what is working now and what has worked for the past 8 years.

It%26#039;s time to get over it.|||Change = changing his mind more often than his socks.

Hope = hoping nobody notices he baddly needs to change his socks.

When Will WWE Creative (and Vince) wake up and CHANGE the DIVA'S DIVISION? Will it ever change for the better?

=( I feel like FANS talk and talk and want more and better for the Women Wrestlers...but Vince and Crew are NOT listening. Nothing seems to be changing and it%26#039;s just so sad. WHY won%26#039;t they listen and why won%26#039;t things change. The changes that HAVE to be made...ARE SO OBVIOUS...HOW do they NOT SEE IT?

WQ- When Will the WWE DIVA%26#039;S DIVISION CHANGE? (for the better)|||Your Best Bet is when Vince Dies or Retires , and the Business is in (Hopefully) the Hands of Paul %26quot;Triple H%26quot; Levesque...

Vince McMahon is Perverted Old Man , Who like Big Fake T*ts , @sses , P*ssy , and Bleach Blonde Women with Absolutely NO Talent whatsoever...


WQ - Not for a Long...LONG time. 5 Years at THE LEAST. WWE does kinda go in Cycles...

Yeah...if Vince is still in Charge , I%26#039;d keep My Mouth Shut. Vince isn%26#039;t too High on Free-Speakers...|||did u know thats the reason why elija burke didn%26#039;t get pushed because he spoke up about how the diva%26#039;s couldn%26#039;t wrestle and the stoopid Divas%26#039; search contest|||Divas wrestling is widely unpopular compared to men wrestling. If the divas division is ruined, it won%26#039;t hurt that much because fans don%26#039;t look forward to divas as much anymore as they do to people like Cena and Hardy(being honest). Whenever WWE goes TV-14, I do think divas will be more recognized because of TV-14 requirements.

WQ: Whenever WWE goes TV-14 again|||sadly i dont see it coming for a long time, vince in the past few years has given up on the womens division. To me i dont think vince thinks they can draw big without lita or trish which is kind sad. Plus vince has been pushing more and more eye candy divas, and he keeps adding the eye candy ones more and more.

I just think vince wont change it for a while which is very sad. There will have to be wrestlers who have good talent and can get the crowd to care about them for vince to push them more. Right now only mickie james and melina are really over with the crowd other then that its the ones with a** and t**s that get over. So when women with talent get over that is when the division will change|||When he fires each and every single WWE Diva they have now, APPART from:

Mickie James

Beth Phoenix %26quot;The Glamazon%26quot;


Gail Kim

Natalya Neidhart

Katie Lea Burchill

Jillian Hall

Michelle McCool

And when he starts to employ more female wrestlers and less bikini models (they are sexy as hell, but I do want to see a fight). When I want women to get hot over I%26#039;ll go to a porn site...|||Unfortunately, Vince thinks that putting a face out there that he thinks is pretty is going to keep the fans interested in the Divas. He doesn%26#039;t understand that women watch wrestling as well and don%26#039;t care how pretty a female wrestler is. He also doesn%26#039;t understand that putting out what he thinks is eye candy isn%26#039;t going to work if they look horrible while wrestling.

So I don%26#039;t think it%26#039;ll change anytime soon. Until he realizes somehow that putting on TV athletic and skilled females will actually gain a lot of attention, he%26#039;ll keep going the way he is.

The positive about the Divas division is that Mickie James is one of the top wrestlers and most skilled and she%26#039;s also the Divas champ.

Michelle McCool is pretty good as well, and a very effective heel and she%26#039;s Women%26#039;s Champ. So at least the title holders aren%26#039;t just eye candy.

Also, at least not recently, the eye candy haven%26#039;t been the center of attention in both female title pictures. Gail Kim should be in the title picture soon, Beth Phoenix should be back in the title picture, Melina who is pretty good is the ex-women%26#039;s champ. At least he%26#039;s not putting the titles on the females that are just eye least not lately. I guess that%26#039;s a positive for the Diva%26#039;s division.

My guess is he%26#039;s going to keep the Diva%26#039;s division as a mix of eye candy in the middle and lower part of the division and keep a few talented Divas near the top of the division..this way he gets what he likes and have eye candy in the division..and keep the fans that actually want to see women wrestle somewhat happy by keeping the belts on the talented females.

But a total competitive, wrestling action, great match filled Divas division I don%26#039;t see happening. I can%26#039;t see McMahon making a Divas division similar to what Shimmer is.

Shimmer by the way is a nice option for you since you want to become a wrestler...they have females with talent there, in case you don%26#039;t like what the Divas division is doing. Being in Shimmer might open things up for you to be a Knockout...which isn%26#039;t a bad thing. The Knockouts have more wrestling than the Divas do overall.|||The writers do not focus on the females... they are just pretty faces to them!

I think WWE should start a women%26#039;s only WWE!|||tell me about it. WWE SUCKS!!!!

When should I change for a girl I love?

Okay. So I really like my bestfriend. She doesn%26#039;t know.I%26#039;m a guy she%26#039;s a girl. Anywaythis Friday is my birthday (turning 15). She is also fifteen.

Thursday, the day before my birthday, I am getting my long hair cut (which she thinks would look better short). I also have been getting new clothes (things I like, but that she also likes....artsy stuff). Were all going to hang out on my birthday so should I wait till my birthday(when I have my new haircut and such,to sort of shock her with a sudden change) or should I start wearing my new clothes tomorow/the week before, so I slowly ease in the change.

The change is for me and I love it, but it is partially to make her more attracted to me. What should I do? And don%26#039;t say changing for a girl is stupid because I%26#039;m changing for me, but why not make myself better for the girl I like while I%26#039;m doing this?|||Never change to make someone love you.

If they don%26#039;t love you for WHO you are you%26#039;ll never work out anyway.|||start now. don%26#039;t make it obvious.

Should we stand for Change?

Obama has changed his stance on the topic of offshore drilling. Is the change he changed the change needed or was it a change that reflects the daily change in the changing polls? |||Change for the sake of getting votes is a recipe for disaster for the country. If Obama WAS so adamant against offshore drilling, then he is either lying then or he is lying now.|||Is that a tongue twister or what!|||united we stand.|||I wouldn%26#039;t vote for Obama even a gun point

SAY no to Obamanation

SAY no to higher taxation

SAY no to Socialism|||He changes as does the direction of the wind....instead of a%26quot;hip-hopper%26quot; he is a %26quot;flip-flopper%26quot;|||I support %26quot;change%26quot;! Change the congress by getting all of the liberal democrats out. Barack being the worse.

The DEMOCRAT controlled congress goes on vacation without resolving the gas price problems. Everyone of them in leadership should be fired.

The democrats have stopped us from drilling, stopped us from building refineries, stopped the construction of nuclear power plants and done everything in their power to make sure we are dependent on our enemies for energy. They will bring down the country if given half a chance.

Their handling of getting us enough energy at reasonable prices should make it obvious that they could care less about the people.|||I think it%26#039;s purey election politics.

and that was a toungue twister.||| %26quot;it a change that reflects the daily change in the changing polls%26quot;

That is the only CHANGE he is worried about.....|||He changes to what you wanna here. Not MY type of change...|||Hes%26#039; got so much change going on, I cannot keep up with him.

Round and Round he goes where he stops???????????????????

Obamar 08

Change you can count on.

|||u have not choice but 2 accept it bc obama is going 2 win!|||I think that man scares me more than Hillary did.....he seems to change his mind on everything constantly, and he does seem to be elitist......

Personally, I think it%26#039;s time to move to Iceland.....|||It%26#039;s called a compromise. If he bends a little on offshore drilling, he gets what he wants on alternative energy.

“My interest is in making sure we’ve got the kind of comprehensive energy policy that can bring down gas prices,” Mr. Obama told The Palm Beach Post’s Michael C. Bender. “If, in order to get that passed, we have to compromise in terms of a careful, well thought-out drilling strategy that was carefully circumscribed to avoid significant environmental damage - I don’t want to be so rigid that we can’t get something done.”

Mr. Obama is referring to a bipartisan package that would also include more subsidies for alternative energy while making drilling possible off Florida’s West coast.

This is smart politics.

Why did McCain flip-flop on drilling, taxes, negative campaigning?|||I think I%26#039;d like to %26quot;change%26quot; the billing address for my home heating oil to Pelosi%26#039;s.

You could write for Hallmark with a tongue twister like that, very creative.|||Obama%26#039;s has ties to Rev. Wright who is a racist!!! Obama%26#039;s known terrorist connected radical Muslim background %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;… As president, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA will allow terrorists to walk freely in our city streets you%26#039;ll see drastic CHANGE here in the USA. He%26#039;s been in government for a short period of time, he%26#039;s a sleeper cell and is very dangerous for our country. WAKE UP!!!!! Make the right choice. And, don%26#039;t blame BUSH, our CONGRESS has the power to change things. Blame them A$$#0!*%26amp;s w/Nancy Pelosi that incompetent B***H|||change is what we will get.|||Not Obama idea of change that%26#039;s for sure.

%26quot;My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you%26#039;ll join with me as we try to change it.%26quot;

-- Barack Obama

Obama is so stupid and such an idiot, a person would have to be retarded to vote for him.

McCain IS our new president.

How do i change the change the color of my avatar's eyes??

my avatar%26#039;s eyes are brown but mine are green... it bugs me!!! and i can%26#039;t find how to change them?|||Go to your profile, the %26quot;Edit My Info%26quot;, then to where you choose what avatar you want to use. By the Yahoo! avatar choose %26quot;Edit my Yahoo! avatar%26quot;

Once there:

Click on %26quot;Appearance%26quot;. You%26#039;ll see %26quot;Face %26amp; Eyes%26quot; Next to each image are tiny color pallettes. Those are the eye colors. Click on the one you want, and save. It%26#039;s actually explained right there at the time of the page. For some reason I missed it at first too.