Saturday, June 4, 2011

My drafts disappear after I hit send and I want to keep them and I still have classic yahoo. Thanks?

I have 2 accounts....I have no trouble saving drafts, but on the above account everytime I make a change, the change becomes the new draft and the other one disappears and when I hit send, the draft dissappears and on my other account the draft is there as well as multiple drafts of the same email...what gives. Thanks|||In the upgraded classic mail the drafts do not stay once you send. But they are in your sent bin. Look at this link for more info and help:|||That%26#039;s because the good folks of Yahoo marketing thought it would be funny to rename %26#039;black%26#039; into %26#039;white%26#039; and see if people accept this change. (Yes I damn well hate it too!!!!)

The draft used to be just that: a draft. No more. Once you send your draft, it%26#039;s send. And consequently, in your send mail items. That is of course not a draft, but a parked mail.

Way around it: write your draft. Save it as a draft. When you want to send it, open the draft, copy the contents AND CLOSE IT. Then open a new message, paste the contents of your draft and send it.

After that, stick two needles in the voodoo doll to honor the guy how came up with the idea. And three in the doll of the guy who approved it.|||This is a new feature of Classic Mail. I hate this new feature.

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