Saturday, June 4, 2011

I have come and I came to give you Change, the Change only I can bring, and will you believe me, ?

That I am here to stay, and I can roar, I am an Alaskan|||And this marvelous woman is well overdue!

McCain\Palin 08!

The WinningTeam!|||Your Republican Jedi tricks don%26#039;t work on wise voters.|||your so gay that your flaiming like a flaimer|||you are a dreamer and have no chance in hell you inexperienced rookie|||Who wants that kind of change. Ordinary people need the kind of change Obama will lead our country to make. So we can finally start working on bettering our country as a whole instead of dumping money on people and the oil companies which are already wallowing in money.|||Oh the Hatred and jealousy and sexism, a beautful and powerful women is to much for most men to take!

|||Ok there is you, who looks like a pioneer women and there is a old man with a hair peace and a loud mouth and half a brain!

Both are VP, Who will bring the Change that we%26#039;ve been waiting for!|||What took you so long, We are so glad, you are here, you are an avenging angle, welcome Sarah to the tired U.S, which is so in need of change!|||THE POWER OF A WOMAN AND THANK GOD!

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