Saturday, June 4, 2011

Global Warming-Argumentative Essay?

I have to write argumentative essay and i choose global warming as a topic could u take a look at it(its not done i am having difficulties with it) maybe some idea anything that could help me to finish write this

Thesis: Contrary to what some believe, global warming does indeed exist.

I. Global Warming is a fraud.

A. Cycles of weather changed, changing and will change

B. Natural occurrences

II. Global warming exists

A. Raised in temperature

B, Melting icecaps

Since global warming appeared during the last decade as a serious environmental issue, it has been the subject of a lot of debate. Global warming is defined as the warming of the earth by greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. But there are many questions about global warming, from its causes to its effects.

Many people even question whether or not global warming exists. And if global warming does exist, people question why it exists. Well, there are two different viewpoints. The believers in global warming think that the increased temperature proves that global warming exists, and that it%26#039;s a significant problem that should not be taken lightly. Skeptics of global warming believe that the increased temperature is a natural phenomenon, and that if global warming does exist, it%26#039;s not something to be worried about. There are many arguments for and against the existence of global warming, but contrary to what some believe, global warming does indeed exist and there is a valid scientific data to prove that.


Skeptics say that any temperature changes the Earth is experiencing are cyclical and a natural event. Climate has always changed due to natural cycles without any help from people. (i need to write here more)

Believers say that if global warming would be natural climate change, the change would not be happening as it is happening currently, and they are right. A temperature rise as fast as the one we have seen over the last thirty years has never happened before. During the past 10,000 years the earth has been in an |||Simple: Make a list of the crazy theories why it%26#039;s all a con (you%26#039;ll find them in blogs, non-scientific, independent websites and you can even collect the ones that will appear above and below this post!)

Then list all the universities, world governments, highy respected scientists (basically the whole world) who know it is happening.

Say %26quot;Is it really believable that there is a very simple answer (like sunspots, natural cycles, little green men, etc) that EVERY climate change scientist has mysteriously missed? Of course not!

Then include a quote from this very latest, bang-up to date research that states:

%26quot;Now, a newly updated data-set of land surface temperatures and simulations from four new climate models show that temperature rises in both polar regions are not consistent with natural climate variability alone and are directly attributable to human influence.%26quot;鈥?/a>

Job done!

|||Sandra, you said: %26#039;Thesis: Contrary to what some believe, global warming does indeed exist.%26#039; If that is what you%26#039;re going on, then there is abundant (mis)information to back it up. You won%26#039;t have any problem finding some of it.

Now, you mentioned that temperatures have climbed rapidly over the past thirty years, outpacing anything that%26#039;s happened before. In fact, the past century has seen an increase of .6 of one celsius degree, and most of that happened within the first fifty years. Since 1998 the warming trend has stopped, and it%26#039;s very possible that we%26#039;re now in a global cooling trend. Certainly there is no further warming.

I know that NASA and the IPCC have published information stating otherwise, but that is their agenda so it%26#039;s what they%26#039;re going to do. Look further and probe a little deeper than those sources and you may be inclined to change the direction of your thesis.|||Try this link and the ones below because humans contribute less than 1% of all gasses contribution to the poorly misunderstood green house effect.鈥?/a>

When their predictions of a new ice age proved false back in the 70s they shifted from disastrous cooling caused from excess Co2 to excessive warming caused by Co2. Then things leveled off and started cooling after 2000 and the failure to make the expected profits off of Y2k so they played it safe this time by saying Co2 causes disastrous climate change. This way no matter which way the climate shifts they feel they can still make a sizable profit off of it. There is nothing humans can do with our current level of technology to alter the world鈥檚 climate. We are unable to make any major adjustment either hotter or colder at this time despite the claims of godlike powers by the believers. Knowing the history of the world reasonably well helps a lot to see the outright lies the promoters of AGW continually make.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

First lie.

In the last 50, 100 or 150 years temperatures have risen faster and higher than any time in history.

Truth is, in every previously recorded climate optimum period it has gotten hotter faster than it has currently. In fact the year 1400 warming went from the bottom of the wolf minimum to a peak 3c hotter than our current maximum and down to the bottom of the Sporer minimum the coldest part of the little ice age in about 100 years. Also the current climate optimum is the coldest ever recorded and is as cold as at least one historical climate minimum the Oort the came in the early part of the MWP.

Second lie.

It has never been this hot in all of history.

Truth is that at least 3 times in the last 1,000 years it has exceeded our current temperature by up to 5c, once for several hundred years.

Third lie

The Arctic Ocean has never been this ice free in history.

Truth is that during the Holocene, Roman and Medieval periods the Arctic Ocean was navigable most of the year most of the time. It was even more navigable during WWII than it is currently.

So it is not very difficult for anyone with a decent basic education to put the lie to any point the AGW crowd use to sell their pogrom to the less well educated.

The real problem here is believers cherry pick the evidence they want made public while skeptics feel that the general public should be allowed to learn the full truth about climate variations. Believers on the other hand only want the public to know about selected items that can be spun to favor their political pogrom.

Interesting point here is that skeptics provide evidence and discuss it as to its relevance while the faithful believers make smart guy remarks and try to trash those who take what they see as heretical positions. How long before the faithful drag out the stretching racks dipping chairs and guillotines to bring the heretics into line with the consensus doctrines?

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