Saturday, June 4, 2011

Has Obama changed the change to the change you hold dear yet?

Ah, sorry to say this but did you get that from the Jib Jab video?

%26quot;Change%26quot; is socialism which is a proven failure in terms of a society. Just look at all the countries in the 20th century that failed due to their economy crapping out. All communist and socialist or countries that were for the most part one of the two.

Look at the place where Great Britian used to be. It%26#039;s turned socialist. And now its the worst of country in the EU with a superhigh crime rate to match. Even with all the cameras and gun and knofe bans they have.|||he changed my changed into cash flow out the asshole|||bush%26#039;s saying was better all you idiots give me your money I will screw up your country and you will still kiss my a$$|||because of Obama I now have several thousands of dollars. of course, before he took office i had a few million dollars.

OBAMANOMICS is ruining the economy. Sure glad that stimulus money kept us from going over 8% unemployment. Since the government owns GM and Chrysler, do we all get a free Charger?

They%26#039;ve done such an amazing job with the car industry and banking, I can%26#039;t wait to get my government healthcare.|||my god... I get so sick of seeing people call Obama a socialist

Go look up the word. now. do it. seriously. The definition does not fit.

Also, people saying that ALL examples of socialism are failures or are enforced through violence. Sweden for example CHOSE to be socialist and they CONTINUE to CHOOSE to be socialist in election after election.

Why? They must like the fact that they have education and health care provided to all, they have crime rates lower by far than ours, they have no homeless trouble like we do. They did have to give something in return though. They have a very high tax rate. 55%. But they decided that they are willing to pay for all the benefits they receive.

I am NOT advocating American socialism, what I am advocating is people doing some research before making blanket claims about things they know very little about.|||Yeah Obama!

Why are Americans so ignorant about politics?

They are sometimes so right wing, just like Stalin and the fascists of Germany.

They also eat too much. Are too fat because they consume too much, pollute too much and are now hated and distrusted by the rest of the world.

They have lost their place and respect in the world, thanks to the republicans.

Their marketing strategies are horrible. It has polluted the world with their multinational companies based in America.

Now all the cities of the world are the same, very boring.

I went to China and one shopping mall had 5 KFC and 3 McD%26#039;s,

pure awful.

All the big superstores all over the world are largely American owned, or are owned by greedy shareholders, displacing local run family businesses.

They encourage low wages with part time labour to dodge local employment by-laws

They are now a 2nd. World country in most peoples eyes.

This is a great shame, because America should be a hope for the world. It is a multinational country built by emigrants of all nationalities. It should promote fair trade and fair dealings even if they make less profit for themselves.

I do believe that on the whole they are a force of good in the world and do a very good and fair job as the worlds policeman, if only they got rid of that red-necked overconsuming rediculous image that the world has of them.

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