Thursday, September 15, 2011

First the economy collapsed. millions lost their jobs, their savings, their homes. with no healthcare, things?

werent looking to good. people started turning to crime. robbing, stealing, killing. and then out of no where, the swine flu rears its ugly head. obama promised change. the change never came.the swine flu mutates and spreads at rates unimaginable. and obama hasnt even set up a new government program to deal with the pandemic in our nation. what is going on? is this some kind of a sick joke?
First the economy collapsed. millions lost their jobs, their savings, their homes. with no healthcare, things?
No just history, try living in the dark ages. With no Yahoo, no showers, no cable, no internet, no police. Just you and your family living in a mud hut with your farm animals, everyone including the livestock smelling the same. Waiting for the black death, or some roving bad of raiders.

Things are bad but could be so much worse.
First the economy collapsed. millions lost their jobs, their savings, their homes. with no healthcare, things?
You can't fix something if you don't know how to repair it or what

tools to use.....and then this is what everyone wanted. I can't blame

the President for this as this has been coming for some thirty to

forty years ago. It will take someone who will risk it all on the political

scene to make drastic changes to lead us into and beyond the 22nd

and 23rd. centuries. It will take one who has the courage to face down the public for their own betterment and protect his plan and procedure from outside interference by outside business and other governments of the world's demands. Against illegal entry and labor

forces that undermine a controlled and monitored manufacturing

process that balances sales with production and job stability and earnings. One who knows what he must do to create a buyers market and yet accomplish independence from foreign oil sources and from

outside interference with American business and the spiraling out of

control cost of medical services and insurance plans. He must be

willing not to buy back what was American give away but take it back.

He must have a positive foreign policy based on economics of

trade, not one sided give away programs. I never have understood how

it is that you fight a war and destroy towns and villages of the enemy

then turn around and pay them for doing so which cost millions and

millions of dollars in spent armament and munitions to do so and then

spend billions of dollars building back what we destroyed. If you are

going to do that don't bomb it to start with....let them rebuild their own

country and the spoils of war goes to the victor in replayment for

having to be their in the first place. For each bomb dropped have them

repay it back. For each soldier killed have them reimburse the family

as to what it would have taken for the victim of war to support his

family....or stay the hell out and keep our men out of harms way...

The man I look for as president will have to be peacable and yet

mean as a pit bull when necessary and deadly as a rattlesnake when

he must. He has to have first and foremost in his service to this country

the welfare of it's people and businesses and their economic structure

and education and indiviual health and healthcare.....

He must tend to his own yard first and worry about others yards if

and when he can. He must be strong and his authority absolute in

all phases of his administration. He must be a leader, a innovator,

a protector, positive in his thought and deliberate in his action. He

must be one of moral and justifiable character. He dosen't have to

be religious or sworn not to swear. He dosen't have to put on an act

but yet he must be serious and truthful with all. His personal life is just

that, personal, unless it interferes with his duties of his oathe of office

and his ability to perform those duties...

This will be hard to do for this country is so diverse in opinion

and morals and nationalities to bring together for a common cause..

so this man will never make it to the office of

whatever happens will happen ....we'll just have to live or die with it!!!
We are going through a second dark age the trouble is we do not have any king Arther's or Charlemagne to led us back into the light , Only bleeding hearts and do gooders who really believe the meek will inherit the earth .
Obviously it's a conspiracy. Somebody planned out the WHOLE thing. I blame the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Skull %26amp; Bones Society, the Jews, and the Templars.

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