Thursday, September 15, 2011

Republicans want less government. Is there really too much government in America. Let's consider a few events

ENRON, was there too much government oversight in that case? Should government oversight be loosened up? Or should we have more oversight so another ENRON can not happen? Alot of people lost their jobs, and pension plans.

S %26amp; L scandal - similar question.

How about the subprime mortgages. Is it really best to have the marketplace take care of itself?

People are losing their homes, their cars, their jobs and their health because of this.

What about health care? The way the it is currently functioning, the incentive is for people to get sick. If people are sick, the pharmaceuticals are making money and able to pass on a %26quot;commission%26quot; to legislators to make certain that the system does not get changed. Or if it does get changed, the change will be such that the pharmaceuticals will make more money.

What about the fattening up of Americans. Why not outlaw unhealthy foods?

Seat belts? Was that too much gov?

Does a blanket statement of less gov still sound great?
Republicans want less government. Is there really too much government in America. Let's consider a few events
Not less government, just not more. If you want more government, move to a Socialist country for a year, and see how you like it.
Republicans want less government. Is there really too much government in America. Let's consider a few events
More Gov't oversight is never the answer

Unless of course you are a democrat and do not trust the people of this nation
Yes, to your final question.

Pork and handouts are in excess. Watchdawg and national defense, etc. fine.

Less government does not mean NO government.
Yeah now lets think about how Repubicans have produced the biggest budget, deficit, and debt in the history of the country.
They want less government for you so there's more money for them.

Their government spending has been $14 trillion so far, according to the GAO.
Ok wait...

You want government to control corporations...

You want government to tell us what to eat and what not to eat..

you want government to pretty much control the entire economy? would have loved soviet russia.
Too much government caused the economy to be what is is now? Too much government, corrupted government.
Oh please. Only ONE Republican running wants less government, and that is Ron Paul.

You should be so lucky to get him.

Enron shows exactly how little good federal oversight did, and subprime mortgage bubbles are a direct result of the Fed and Banking practices which are some of the parts of government Ron Paul would get rid of. That is a huge POINT of his platform. They just print money when they want it and the value of money goes down. The stockmarket may SEEM to go up, but when corrected for the deflated dollar it is a very different story.

Yes, people are losing their homes, their cars, their jobs and their health and you have NO IDEA what is causing it, quite obviously, from your post.

If we removed ourselves from nationbuilding we could finance our debts including our domestic entitlements debts. And then could allow the next generation to get onto a better plan that would not make them pay for the debts of our parents' generation and our own, even worse than they would now have to do.

You want to outlaw unhealthy foods? Boy am I glad no one elected YOU to anything. And seatbelts were a negotiated compromise between the consumer safety folks and the automobile industry. The CS folks made it so the industry had to get seatbelt laws passed in a percentage of states or the air bag law (expensive) would go into effect. In fact, the industry failed to get quite that number, and now we have both. And people are killed by being trapped in a car, just as they are killed by being thrown free.

Less government sounds even better after reading what you wrote.

Pad your own world and render your own children incompetent to manage the least danger or decision. Leave my world alone.

_ re china, I would buy where I knew where the food came from, and if I didn't feel secure with China, I wouldn't buy it. The government isn't what drives MUCH of the testing of goods, it is consumer concern. That would exist, and businesses would have to address it, as a customer satisfaction issue.
You don't know what you are talking about:

Inform yourself, this a comic book to initiate your education.

When business fail, they go out of business. When goverment programs fail they continue at the expense of overtaxed citizens. Do we stil need rural eletrification?

Do we need failing public schools?

Enron is out of business and that is good. If it was a government entitity it would continue.
I've been trying to grasp the concept of Republicans wanting less government, but it never works. They say they want less taxes, but want to support perhaps the biggest budget crusher in history, the Iraq war. They say they want little government, but they want to tell us how to live our lives? They say that people shouldn't have the right to choose when it comes to abortions. But they want little government? Their argument contradicts itself on so many levels.
Yes, the less govt is involved the better off people are. No amount of govt oversight will stop things like the S%26amp;L scandal or Enron. People that take out a bigger mortgage than they can possibly afford take the chance of losing that house that is THEIR choice and they must live with it. Health care costs are rising because of the insurance industry, curtail them and make them non-profit and get them off the stock market. so what we're fat, again personal responsibility. seat belts? don't make me laugh, there are laws REQUIRING individuals to buckle up... again taking away the decisions from individuals limiting personal freedom. It all boils down to who do you trust more with your life ... yourself or the govt?
You have to understand with the Enron and S%26amp;L scandles there was coruption the highest levels of our government. There is a book called the Franklen Cover Up. It's by a Nebraska state Sen John Decamp. It really shows a person why and how these things happen.

There is a film about this as well, you can find it here.鈥?/a>

I have to tell you it's a little disturbing.
That McCain guy is too old and confused.

He says you cannot trust Govt to do a good job but he wants power(govt)?

He says there are too many wasteful spending but he was there with his Friends BUSH.

He said the govt is not working but he is part of the very same govt?

He says he does not beleieve America is worse off compared to 7yrs back but now he says it is all bad in the white house?

Someone everyone - please give him a break. Do not vote for this guy with all the lobbyists on his back as Campaign advisers.

Oh - And his Vickki Isseman the lobbyist lady?
%26quot;The average person is not smart enough to understand...%26quot;

If you're so much %26quot;smarter%26quot; than the %26quot;average person%26quot;, why are you asking the %26quot;average person%26quot; for advice?

Seems like you've got all the answers already.

You are so smart.
The reason our country is in the toliet is bc we have way too much government.Our founding fathers understood that we need a weak federal government and strong state government, not the other way around.

Take the democrats for example our economy is going down the tubes bc of NAFTA, Clinton signed this. This is why we have lost 15% of our factories going overseas.

The reason medical cost are so high is again bc of too much government handouts like Medicaid. Hospitals, doctors are only allowed to charge the government so much for services, the docs and hospitals pass that loss unto us, hence insurance companies charge us more for premimums to recoup the loss, and Medicaid patients tend to abuse the system bc it's free for them, so what happens is we pay with our tax dollars, we pay higher deductibles, and we pay bigger insurance premimums. This is all due to the dems starting entitlement programs.

Whether you realize it or not Medicare taxes and S.S taxes are what pays for all these entitlments so you have a small percentage of people who pay these taxes all of their lives and when they need them they don't have access to them. Did you know that you can work for 40 yrs and they only count the last five yrs of your employment for S.S. benefits, it matters not that you got a letter stating that 15 yrs ago you had paid in all of S.S. taxes so you were eligible for S.S.but when you need it you can't get it bc some cheese eater had gotten the benefit of your money.

As for the mortagage crisis tough if you think you can afford a million dollar house on say 50,000 a yr. with an ARM mortgage then sorry why should more of responsible people's taxes go to bail you out you should have educated yourself better in the first place.

In closing conservatives like Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul are for less government telling you how to live and are for every one working and realizing the American Dream on their own. What good is it to have the government think and act for us bc a strong federal government is not for the people it's for the people in power.
So, you feel the government messed up? If so then how can more of such a messed up entity help improve things?

You want America to be a country of robots in which the government makes all of the decisions for us, this is a free country, what you are proposing is not, in fact it sounds more like the Ole' USSR, look how that turned out.
I don't think you understand the conservative mind set.

I want the right to make my own choices, I do not want a Nanny state.

I want the Right to be wrong, the right to fail in life, because in the end it is my choice, not yours and not the governments.

Lets look at some of the government regulations, like you mentioned car safety. If I don't want seat belts and air bags, I should be able to. These regulations actually hurt innovation. A car manufacture has to supply x amount of cars for crash testing to the government. Big companies have no problem with this. People who want to build out of their garage can no longer afford to, because their car would not be legal on the road. (I actually have a friend trying to build an electric car, half way complete and never to be finished because it is useless sitting in his garage.) I see the reason for safety enforcement, but should it not be up to the consumer in the end?

What about the 2009 all TVs must go to high definition FCC regulation coming down the pipeline? Yeah its great pushing a new technology. The big companies can afford to change all their equipment to high definition. (Cameras, edit bays, servers, transmitters etc... etc....) It is the little local broadcaster the will be going out of business, not the big networks. (I do see a need for the FCC, but many times it over steps its boundaries.)

I do believe there is a need for government I am not say all government is bad. Too much is bad, every time there is a government regulation, it takes away from your freedom of choice.

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